
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Autistic boy, 3, is left with a bloodied face after being attacked in his sleep by RATS - بالصور.. الفئران تأكل «طفلًا» يعاني من «التوحد» أثناء نومه

Mauled: Nathaniel was attacked in his sleep by the rats at his mother's, Brooklyn home in August

قالت مارلين ابرو، إن ابنها ناثيل الذي يبلغ من العمر 3 سنوات الذي يعانى من التوحد تعرض للعض من الفئران أثناء نومه بمسكنهما ببروكلين.

Scratches: Nathaniel's wounds are visible in these pictures - especially the teeth marks that the vermin inflicted

وأضافت الأم أنها وجدت وسادة ابنها غارقة بالدماء وعلى جسده آثار لعضات واضحة، وأنها لم تكن مجرد خدوش؛ موضحة أنها على الرغم من كونها نائمة بالغرفة المجاورة له فإنها لم تسمع أي شيء نظرًا لما يعانيه من صعوبة التواصل اللفظى.

وأشارت الأم إلى أنها اصطحبته للمستشفى؛ وأكد الطبيب أنه تعرض للعض في وجهه وعنقه وقدمه وظل هادئا طوال محنته لما يعانيه من توحد.

Pain: The rats also attacked Nathaniel's feet while he slept. He didn't call out because he find verbal communication difficult

ولفتت الأم إلى أن انتشار الفئران بالمنطقة يرجع لوجود مدخل مترو أنفاق قديم تحت شقتها وأنها تقدمت بعدة شكاوى لانزعاجها من الفئران والحشرات ولم تتلق أي رد.

Blood: The results of the attack are visible in this image shot inside Nathaniel's mother's home

A mother has said her three-year-old autistic son is still traumatized after being bitten by rats in his sleep at their Brooklyn home.

'There was blood all over his pillow,' said Marilyn Abreu, about her son Nathaniel, whose autism meant he didn't cry out for help.

Abreu took her son to the hospital on August 21 after the attack where doctors confirmed he had bite marks over his face, neck and feet.

'It wasn't no scratches, it was the actual teeth,' said Abreu to NBC News.

Because of his special needs, Nathaniel was quiet throughout his ordeal.

'I"m right here in the next room, and I didn't hear nothing. That's what hurts me most,' said Abreu.

The rat infestation is due to a closed subway entrance below Abreu's apartment and she says she has repeatedly complained about the vermin.

Other neighbors are also annoyed at the rats chewing through their walls.

'My cat killed one rat in front of my door,' said one man. 'It's ridiculous, I call my landlord all the time, but no one calls back.'

Abreau though is more concerned for her son, who she says is now unable to sleep.

'I'm scared,' she said to NBC New York. 'And my son, he doesn't want to sleep in his bed.'

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