
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Django Unchained Actress Daniele Watts Handcuffed For Prostitution After Kissing Her Husband - بالفيديو والصور.. اعتقال ممثلة أمريكية بتهمة العمل في الدعارة

Django Unchained actress Daniele Watts is claiming she was 'handcuffed and detained' by police after being mistaken for a prostitute as she kissed her white husband. She posted this photo of the alleged September 2 incident on Facebook

دخلت الممثلة الأمريكية من أصل أفريقي دانيال واتس في حالة من البكاء بعد أن اعتقلها رجال الشرطة في لوس أنجلوس وقيدوا يديها، بعد الاشتباه بأنها تعمل في مجال الدعارة.

The actress in her role as house slave Coco Quentin Tarantino's 2012 film Django 

وبحسب مصادر إخبارية فإن الجريمة تقبيل زوجها الأبيض بريان جيمس لوكاس في مكان عام.

Watts and her husband Brian James Lucas claim that they were kissing on a Hollywood street when police were called and they were asked to show their ID card to which Watts refused 

ووفقًا لما ذكره الزوجان على صفحتيهما في موقع التواصل الاجتماعي فيس بوك، قام شرطيان من دائرة ستوديو سيتي في لوس أنجلوس بالاقتراب من الممثلة السمراء وطلبوا هويتها، وعندما رفضت إعطاءهما إياها، اعتقلاها، وضعا الأصفاد في يديها وأجلسوها في المقعد الخلفي لسيارة الدورية، لكنهما أفرجا عنها بعد التحقق من هويتها.

Watts posted the news on her Facebook page and said her arm was cut when she was handcuffed

وضعت واتس، التي لعبت شخصية "كوكو" في فيلم كوينتين تارنتينو "دييغو أنتشايند".على صفحتها في فيس بوك، صورة لها وهي تبكي بجانب الشرطي، وكتبت تقول: " بينما كنت أجلس في المقعد الخلفي لسيارة الشرطة، تذكرت أبي، حينما كان مرات عديدة يأتي إلى المنزل محبطا ومتألما من الإذلال الذي كان يتعرض له من قبل الشرطة عندما كان يقوم بأي شيء خاطئ.. شعرت بخجله وغضبه".

  • Django Unchained Black Actress Arrested on Prostitution Charges
  • Daniele Watts Arrested By Police In Los Angeles
  • Django Unchained Actress Daniele Watts Handcuffed on Prostitution After Kissing Her Husband 

The moment sobbing Django Unchained actress was handcuffed for kissing her white boyfriend because police assumed she was a PROSTITUTE

  • Daniele Watts played slave CoCo in the Oscar-winning 2012 film
  • Watts and husband Brian James Lucas claim that they were kissing in Hollywood when police were called
  • Watts claims her wrist was cut when police handcuffed her 
  • Says she was put in a police car after refusing to show her ID

A Django Unchained actress is claiming she was 'handcuffed and detained' by police after being mistaken for a prostitute as she kissed her white husband.

Daniele Watts, who played slave CoCo in the award-winning film, posted the news on her Facebook page on 2 September and said her arm was cut when she was handcuffed.

Watts and her husband Brian James Lucas claim that they were kissing on a Hollywood street when police were called and they were asked to show their ID card to which Watts refused.

Watt's husband wrote: 'So they handcuffed her and threw her roughly into the back of the cop car until they could figure out who she was. In the process of handcuffing her, they cut her wrist'

Watt's husband wrote: 'So they handcuffed her and threw her roughly into the back of the cop car until they could figure out who she was. In the process of handcuffing her, they cut her wrist'

Watts wrote on her Facebook page: 'Today I was handcuffed and detained by 2 police officers from the Studio City Police Department after refusing to agree that I had done something wrong by showing affection, fully clothed, in a public place.'

She also posted a photo of crying as she stood in the street wearing patterned shorts, a t-shirt with 'New York' written on it and running shoes with a  policeman next to her.

Watts, who plays Martin Lawrence's daughter on the new FX comedy Partners, continued: 'When the officer arrived, I was standing on the sidewalk by a tree.

Watts and her husband pose for a photo on her Facebook page. He posted the social media network that he thought that the person who called the police had decided they looked like a prostitute and a client

Watts and her husband pose for a photo on her Facebook page. He posted the social media network that he thought that the person who called the police had decided they looked like a prostitute and a client

The pair both wrote about the alleged incident on their respective Facebook pages   The pair both wrote about the alleged incident on their respective Facebook page

The pair both wrote about the alleged incident on their respective Facebook pages 

'I was talking to my father on my cell phone.

'I knew that I had done nothing wrong, that I wasn't harming anyone, so I walked away.

'A few minutes later, I was still talking to my dad when 2 different police officers accosted me and forced me into handcuffs.

'As I was sitting in the back of the police car, I remembered the countless times my father came home frustrated or humiliated by the cops when he had done nothing wrong. 

'I allowed myself to be honest about my anger, frustration, and rage as tears flowed from my eyes.

'The tears I cry for a country that calls itself 'the land of the free and the home of the brave' and yet detains people for claiming that very right. 

Separately her chef husband posted on his Facebook page that he thought that the person who called the police had decided they looked like a prostitute and a client. 

He wrote: 'From the questions that he asked me as D was already on her phone with her dad, I could tell that whoever called on us (including the officers), saw a tatted RAWKer white boy and a hot bootie shorted black girl and thought we were a H* (prostitute) & a TRICK (client). 

'What an assumption to make!!!Because of my past experience with the law, I gave him my ID knowing we did nothing wrong and when they asked D for hers, she refused to give it because they had no right to do so.

'So they handcuffed her and threw her roughly into the back of the cop car until they could figure out who she was. In the process of handcuffing her, they cut her wrist, which was truly NOT COOL!!!

An LAPD public information officer said there was no record of the incident as Watts was not arrested or brought into the station for questioning, according to the Chicago Tribune.

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