
Thursday, September 11, 2014

In Photos."Estonian President" wife escape with her ​​lover - بالصور.. هروب زوجة "رئيس إستونيا" مع عشيقها

بالصور.. هروب زوجة "رئيس إستونيا" مع عشيقها

نشرت مجلة محلية في إستونيا صورًا لـ"إيفيلين البس" زوجة الرئيس توماس هندريك، وهي في أحضان شاب فرنسي قالت إنه عشيق السيدة الأولى التي غادرت البلاد، بعد وقت قصير من انتشار خبر خيانتها المصورة.

ونشرت صور سيدة إستونيا الأولى إيفيلين البس 46 عاما، وهي الزوجة الثانية للرئيس هندريك (60 عاما) على غلاف مجلة الفضائح الشهيرة Kroonika.

وظهرت زوجة الرئيس وهي تقبل الشاب الوسيم في إحدى الشرفات بالعاصمة تالين، نشرت اعتذارًا على صفحتها بموقع فيس بوك، من دون التطرق بالتفصيل لما حدث؛ حيث قالت: «وجدت نفسي في موقف هو الأصعب في حياتي.. أطلب الصفح من كل أولئك الذين آذيتهم».

و"إستونيا" دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوربا، يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس وروسيا.

بالصور.. هروب زوجة "رئيس إستونيا" مع عشيقها

The first lady of Estonia, Evelin Ilves, forgot about their status and marriage and kissed the eyes of the unknown young companion, writes portal with reference to the log Kroonika.

Журнал: первая леди Эстонии на глазах у всех целовалась с незнакомцем (ФОТО)

Local magazine in Estonia published photographs for "Evelin Ilves" the wife of President Toomas Hendrik, in the arms of a young Frenchman said that the First Lady stud, who left the country, shortly after the news of infidelity pictured spreaded. 


Mrs. Evelin Ilves journalists noticed during a party on the terrace of the café Komeet 6 August. The party lasted until the early morning of the seventh of August, people became more and less, and then the visitors opened the next picture – the President’s wife danced in the middle of the terrace with a young man who looked 28-30 years. 

They behaved like lovers, Evelyn continuously looked his companion in the eye, said the eyewitness. About half of the fifth night the first lady went back together with his companion. At the disposal of the log is as photo and video of the incident.

“They came out of the door together with another couple. They both got into the car. It was a black Mercedes S-class. Behind the wheel was a man, they went,” says an eyewitness.

Neither the first lady or the President’s office, this case does not comment.

Recall that Evelin Ilves — the second wife of the President of Estonia, she is younger than her husband of 13 years. Toomas to to Hendrik Ilves in December last year was 60, and the first lady of Estonia in April of this year — 47 years.


Evelyn graduated from the medical faculty of Tartu University, however, was engaged in the marketing, not medicine — was marketing Director of the newspaper Eesti Päevaleht, worked in the company Enterprise Estonia, managed the project “Brand Estonia”.

Married Toomas Hendrik Ilves Evelyn got married in 2004 year, when he still held the presidency. Interestingly, even before marriage, in 2003 year the current President’s wife bore him a daughter Kadri KAU.

The first lady also known for having written a cookbook, “Presented to the taste and participated in several charity events — for example, put up for charity auction dinner with him.

The photographs were published the Estonia First Lady Evelin Ilves 46-year-old, the second wife of the president Hendrick (60 years) on the cover of the famous scandals magazine's Kroonila. 

And the president's wife was showing kissing and holding a handsome young man in one of the balconies in the capital Tallinn, and she was published an apology on her Facebook profile page , without addressing in detail what happened; where she said: «I found myself in the position is the hardest in my life .. I ask forgiveness from all those who have trouble caused by me»

And "Estonia" is a state located in the Baltic region of northern Europe, bounded on the north Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, on the south by Latvia, and to the east of Lake Bebos and Russia.

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