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Monday, December 31, 2012

إحباط محاولة تهريب ١٣ طردا تحوى مستندات ووثائق عن أملاك اليهود فى مصر

الاهرام | إحباط محاولة تهريب ١٣ طردا تحوى مستندات ووثائق عن أملاك اليهود فى مصر

تمكنت مباحث القاهرة من ضبط ١٣ طردًا عبارة عن حقائب كبيرة الحجم داخل شركة شحن بضائع بمدينة نصر، تحوى أوراقا خاصة بأملاك اليهود فى مصر عبارة عن دفاتر وأوراق وكانت هذه الطرود معدة للخروج إلى خارج البلاد، حيث كشفت التحقيقات أنها كانت فى الطريق إلي الأردن ويرجح أن تكون هذه الملفات والأوراق من هيئة أملاك الدولة أو دار الوثائق.

ويكثف رجال المباحث جهودهم للقبض على السيدة الأجنبية التى تبين أنها صاحبة هذه الطرود وأمر اللواء أسامة الصغير مدير أمن القاهرة بمصادرة تلك الطرود وإخطار النيابة التى تولت التحقيق.

تبين من التحريات أن تلك الأوراق داخل شركة شحن بمنطقة مدينة نصر، تمهيدًا لشحنها إلى الأردن وعلى الفور، قامت قوة بإشراف اللواء محمد قاسم رئيس مباحث الأموال العامة بالقاهرة بمداهمة الشركة، حيث تمكنت من ضبط كميات كبيرة من الأوراق محفوظة داخل ١٣ حقيبة كبيرة الحجم ومعدة كطرود تمهيدا لخروجها من البلاد.

كشفت معاينة العميد عبدالعزيز خضر مفتش المباحث أن تلك الأوراق والدفاتر قديمة وأنها تحوى معلومات عن الأراضى والممتلكات الأخرى التى امتلكها اليهود فى مصر ومنها الأملاك التى تم مصادرتها خلال ثورة يوليو ١٩٥٢، وتم الاستعانة بخبراء من الآثار الذين أكدوا أنها تدخل ضمن الآثار والتى تحدد العقارات والدوائر الملكية وأن هذه الطرود كانت سوف تخرج من البلاد باسم سيدة أجنبية إلى الأردن ومنها إلى إسرائيل حتى تستخدم فى مطالبة إسرائيل بأملاك اليهود فى مصر وهى القضية التى أثارتها إسرائيل فى الآونة الأخيرة زاعمين أنه كان يعيش فى مصر ٨٦٥ ألف يهودى داخل مصر هاجر منهم عدد كبير إلى إسرائيل بعد إعلان دولة إسرائيل وعدد آخر إلى غادر إلى أوروبا.

وقد كشف مصدر أمنى مسئول أنه سوف يتم القبض على تلك السيدة خلال الساعات القليلة القادمة لمعرفة من المحرك وراء تلك الواقعة وتم إخطار نيابة الأموال العامة التى تولت التحقيق.

Full Report 2012 Disasters -The wake of Typhoon Bopha: Philippines

Typhoon Bopha, an incredibly powerful typhoon, has killed hundreds, triggered landslides and floods and left immeasurable destruction in its path in the Philippines. The death toll stands at over 500 – entire families washed away – many still missing. At least 200 of the victims died in Compostela Valley alone. A muddy wasteland of collapsed houses and trees felled by ferocious winds; 300,000 left homeless in great need of water, food and shelter

Collected , Edited And Report By:
Pilot / Tarek Elagamy

Typhoon Bopha is shown moving toward the Philippines from the International Space Station, Dec. 2, 2012. The typhoon slammed into the Davao region of the Philippines early Dec. 4, killing hundreds and forcing more than 50,000 to flee from inundated villages 

2Banana trees destroyed by Typhoon Bopha at a plantation in Compostela town, Compostela Valley province, on the southern island of Mindanao, Dec. 4, 2012. Typhoon Bopha killed 43 people in one hard-hit Philippine town Dec. 4, local television station ABS-CBN reported from the scene 

3An elderly woman is assisted by a soldier of the 71st Infantry Battalion, 1001st Infantry Brigade of the Philippine Army at a flooded area in Compostela Valley, southern Philippines. The death toll from Typhoon Bhopa climbed to more than 100 people, Dec. 5, while scores of others remain missing in the worst-hit areas of the southern Philippines 

4A boy waits in a temporary shelter after Typhoon Bopha made landfall in Compostela Valley in southeastern Philippines, Dec. 4, 2012. Typhoon Bopha (local name Pablo), one of the strongest typhoons to hit the Philippines this year, barreled across the country's south, killing at least 40 people and forcing more than 50,000 to flee from inundated villages 

5Residents walk among the debris littered on a road after flashfloods brought by Typhoon Bopha in Compostela Valley in southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012. Blocked roads and severed communications in the southern Philippines frustrated rescuers as teams searched for hundreds of people missing after the strongest typhoon this year killed at least 283 people. 

6Residents try to identify bodies of relatives, victims of flash floods in New Bataan town, Compostela Valley province, Dec. 5, 2012, a day after Typhoon Bopha hit the province. At least 274 people have been killed and hundreds remain missing in the Philippines from the deadliest typhoon to hit the country this year, the civil defense chief said.  

7Relatives grieve as they view bodies recovered from floods in New Bataan, Compostela Valley province, southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012. The death toll from Typhoon Bhopa climbed, while scores of others remain missing in the worst-hit areas of the southern Philippines. 

8A resident who was rescued from her flooded home is assisted as she alights from a military truck in New Bataan, Compostela Valley province, southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012.  

9Survivors are loaded onto a flat bed truck to be taken to a hospital in the aftermath of Typhoon Bopha in New Bataan, Compostela Valley in the southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012. The death toll from a typhoon that ravaged the Philippines jumped to 274 Dec. 5 with hundreds more missing, as rescuers battled to reach areas cut off by floods and mudslides.  

10Residents try to rebuild their house destroyed by Typhoon Bopha in Compostela Valley, southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012. Blocked roads and severed communications in the southern Philippines frustrated rescuers as teams searched for hundreds of people missing after the strongest typhoon this year killed at least 283 people. 

11Residents wash their clothes amid the devastation left by Typhoon Bopha, in the village of Andap, New Bataan township, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012. Typhoon Bopha, one of the strongest typhoons to hit the Philippines this year, barreled across the country's south, killing scores of people while triggering landslides, flooding and cutting off power in two entire provinces.  

12Residents cross a river using suspended ropes at Andap, New Bataan township, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012, a day after Typhoon Bopha made landfall. 

13A girl sits on top of boulders washed to the road by flash floods at the height of Typhoon Bopha in the village of Andap, New Bataan town, Compostela Valley province, Dec. 5, 2012, a day after the powerful Typhoon hit the province. At least 274 people have been killed and hundreds remain missing in the Philippines from the deadliest typhoon to hit the country this year, the civil defense chief said.  

14Filipino soldiers and residents work to remove a fallen tree from a road in New Bataan township, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012, a day after Typhoon Bopha made landfall. 

15A resident hangs clothing amid fallen trees and debris a day after Typhoon Bopha made landfall in the village of Andap, New Bataan township, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012. 

16Motorists traverse a flooded road in New Bataan town, Compostela Valley province, Dec. 5, 2012, a day after the powerful Typhoon Bopha hit the province. 

17Residents clean their sofa next to their damaged house in New Bataan town, Compostela Valley province, Dec. 5, 2012, a day after Typhoon Bopha hit the province. 

18Residents walk past debris on a highway as they head home in New Bataan town, Compostela Valley province, Dec. 5, 2012, a day after Typhoon Bopha hit the province.  

19Medicine is distributed to residents, all victims of the devastating flash flood that hit the village of Andap, New Bataan township, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012.  

20A woman sorts out clothes in front of her damaged house in Monte Vista town, Compostela Valley province, Dec. 5, 2012, a day after Typhoon Bopha hit the province.  

21A soldier surveys the devastation caused by Typhoon Bopha at the flash flood-hit village of Andap, Dec. 5, 2012. 

22Children retrieve their books and other belongings from their damaged home, Dec. 5, 2012, a day after powerful Typhoon Bopha hit Montevista township, in the Compostela Valley in southern Philippines. Typhoon Bopha (local name Pablo), one of the strongest typhoons to hit the Philippines this year.  

23Rosalinda Pasko tearfully breaks the news to a relative of the death of 2 of her family members at the flash flood-hit village of Andap, Dec. 5, 2012.  

24The devastation brought about by powerful Typhoon Bopha at Montevista township, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines, Dec. 5, 2012. Typhoon Bopha, one of the strongest typhoons to hit the Philippines this year, killed scores of peopl while triggering landslides, flooding and cutting off power in two entire provinces. 

25Residents examine their house, damaged by a devastating typhoon, Dec. 6, 2012, in New Bataan township, Compostela Valley in the southern Philippines. The powerful typhoon that washed away emergency shelters, a military camp and possibly entire families in the southern Philippines has killed hundreds of people with nearly 400 missing, authorities said. 

26A woman dries her laundry next to her family's makeshift tent in Montevista town in Compostela Valley in southern Philippines, Dec. 6, 2012. The numbers of dead and missing vary, but the head of the national disaster agency said 332 people were killed and 379 were missing after Typhoon Bopha triggered landslides and floods along the coast and in farming and mining towns inland in the southern Mindanao region. 

27A resident carries a religious statue along a muddy road in the town of New Bataan, compostela province, Dec. 6, 2012. An estimated 200,000 people are homeless and more than 300 dead after the Philippines suffered its worst typhoon this year.  

28Flash flood victims wait for relief supplies at an evacuation center following a devastating typhoon, in New Bataan township, Compostela Valley in the southern Philippines, Dec. 6, 2012 

29Residents line up for relief supplies at an evacuation center, Dec. 6, 2012, in New Bataan township, Compostela Valley in the southern Philippines 

30Members of the Philippine Coast Guard carry relief goods for victims of flash floods caused by Typhoon Bopha in Davao province while loading their ship in Manila, Philippines, Dec. 6, 2012 

31A list of missing residents is prepared to be posted on a wall as residents, impacted by the typhoon, line up for relief supplies, Dec. 6, 2012, in New Bataan township. 

32Residents line up for relief supplies at an evacuation center, Dec. 6, 2012, in New Bataan township, Compostela Valley in the southern Philippines 

33An aerial view of damaged houses caused by flash floods in Compostela Valley province, southern Philippines, Dec. 6, 2012. Rescue workers searched through thick mud, broken homes and fallen trees for survivors, two days after Typhoon Bopha swept the southern Philippines 

34Residents are evacuated to safer grounds, Dec. 6, 2012 at New Bataan township, Compostela Valley 

35Rescuers evacuate a child who survived flooding with her pregnant mother as they cross a river in New Bataan town, Compostela Valley, southern Philippines, Dec. 6, 2012. Rescuers found the six-month pregnant woman on the other side of a river, stranded with her one-year-old son after escaping floods that swamped their house.  

36Relatives cross a river to bury their loved one, who died in a flash flood, Dec. 6, 2012, in New Bataan township 

37A pregnant woman who survived flooding holds her child on a stretcher while waiting to be evacuated, Dec. 6, 2012 

38A flash flood survivor is driven to a hospital after being rescued, Dec. 6, 2012, in New Bataan township, Compostela Valley 

Philippines: Typhoon Bopha leaves over 270 dead
The death toll from Typhoon Bopha has risen to over 270, with hundreds more reported missing as rescue teams battle blocked roads and driving rain to reach cut-off areas.

Hundreds of people are missing while entire villages have been wiped out in the wake of the most powerful storm to hit the Philippines this year, as rescue teams battled blocked roads and driving rain to reach the most isolate areas.

The death toll from Typhoon Bopha rose past 280 on Wednesday, with 160 people alone killed in the worst-affected province of Compostela Valley, after Bopha slammed into the eastern coast of Mindanao island in the southern Philippines on Tuesday.

Bringing winds of up to 130mph and torrential rain, the storm has forced 170,000 people to flee their homes.

Another 115 victims of the typhoon are confirmed to have perished in six towns across neighbouring Davao Oriental Province, where Bopha made landfall.

“Entire families were washed away,” Manuel Roxas, the Philippines interior minister, said, adding that at least 300 people were still missing.

Typhoon Bopha kills dozens in the Philippines

At least 95 people are killed and more than 57,000 people evacuated as Typhoon Bopha smashes into south.

in Typhoon Bopha, the strongest tropical storm to hit the Philippines this year, has slammed into a southern island, killing at least 95 people, destroying homes, cutting power and forcing the cancellation of flights and ferry services, officials say.

The state weather service said Bopha made landfall on Mindanao island's east coast at dawn on Tuesday, raking across the island of 10 million people, packing gusts of up to 210km an hour and bringing heavy rain.

Earlier, local media put the death toll at 40, but the national disaster office has revised it to at least 77.

Aviation and shipping were suspended, with 80 flights grounded and thousands of ferry passengers stranded at ports as the coastguard ordered vessels to stay in port, the civil defence office said.

Power has been cut off in at least eight municipalities in southern Surigao del Sur and Davao Oriental while parts of Agusan del Sur province are flooded, Civil Defence chief Benito Ramos said.

More than 57,000 people had moved into nearly 1,000 government shelters across the island by early Tuesday, the Civil Defence in its latest bulletin.

The commercial centre of Cagayan de Oro, one of Mindanao's largest cities, was hit by flooding as rivers overflowed following heavy rain. By late evening, the storm had passed mainland Mindanao and was headed across the sea towards Palawan, Al Jazeera's Marga Ortigas reported.

School holidays were declared in Mindanao and large areas of the central Philippines.

'No laughing matter'

President Benigno Aquino led calls for evacuations on Monday, saying: "[Bopha's] destructive potential is no laughing matter. It is expected to be the strongest typhoon to hit our country in 2012."

The Philippines president said army troops were deploying search and rescue boats in advance and villagers were being pre-emptively evacuated. 

Reporting from Cagayan de Oro, where the government had moved people into shelters two or three days ahead of the storm to prevent casualties, Ortigas said: "Already the government is saying they are much better prepared this year than the previous year".

Residents in a riverside village in the southern city moved to a government hall, carrying TV sets, bundles of clothes and a pig.

"We have suffered enough," local resident Felicitas Cabusao said, clutching a Holy Rosary beside her crying 12-year-old daughter.

Bopha, a Cambodian word for flower or a girl, is the 16th weather disturbance to hit the Philippines this year, less than the 20 typhoons and storms that normally lash the archipelago annually. Forecasters say at least one more storm may hit the country before Christmas.

A powerful typhoon has caused floods and set off mudslides that killed at least 74 people in the Philippines and forced thousands to flee their homes.

Typhoon Bopha, the strongest storm to hit the nation this year made landfall on the east coast of Mindanao island early Tuesday packing winds of more than 200 kilometers per hour that toppled trees and cut power lines.  Floods swept away an army truck full of soldiers many of whom drowned.

Some 41,000 residents were evacuated to government shelters ahead of the landfall.  At least 80 domestic flights have been cancelled, while ships were ordered to stay in port..

Joe Curry, the head of Catholic Relief Services in the Philippines, said authorities seem more prepared to deal with this storm compared to last year's Tropical Storm Washi, which killed more than 1,200 people.

Watch related video of Typhoon Bopha​​"So far there's been more preparedness efforts at this time, but I think we're going to see the damage [reports] come out later today and tomorrow," said Curry. "I know there's been a lot of efforts at evacuating, but we'll have to see how the infrastructure holds up."

Forecasters say the storm is expected to weaken and move into the South China Sea by Thursday. Philippines authorities say they have stockpiled food supplies and rescue equipment in the storm's predicted path.

During last year's Tropical Storm Washi in December 2011, major flash floods and landslides wiped out entire villages on Mindanao. The archipelago country is vulnerable to severe flooding caused by heavy rains and tsunamis.

  • Relatives grieve as they view bodies recovered from floods in New Bataan, Compostela Valley province, southern Philippines, December 5, 2012.
Deadly Typhoon Bopha rips rooftops in Philippines as thousands flee

2MIN News December 2, 2012: Super Typhoon Bopha

Philippines Typhoon Bopha: nearly 400 dead

Typhoon Bopha / Pablo Raw Footage From Koror Palau

Progress of Typhoon Bopha

Collected , Edited And Report By:
Pilot / Tarek Elagamy