UFO is the constriction of the words Unidentified Flying Object (UFO in English). In other words, they are ships, construction of possible extraterrestrial, flying over the skies of planet Earth. These objects have been present in literature and art of the human race since time immemorial. But today, not proven the existence of such objects, even though thousands of "evidence" come on TV and other media on through the years. The term itself is ambiguous, since whatever we see in the sky and not identify is a UFO.
UFO EBE'sy possible contact with extraterrestrial intelligence
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UFO over Peru Arequipa in April 2011
A strange phenomenon appeared on the sky of Arequipa on April 16, 2011 at about 21:00 hours. Four people were armed with a camera capable of capturing the phenomenon, then hang the story on VIMEO video platform.
Analysis Corner Paranormal: The truth does not think they are UFOs or osnis or anything like that. Many times I have seen the same phenomenon in the skies of Colombia, which are the flashes of lightning in the clouds forming. A meteorological phenomenon, no more. It is not necessary to even get an analysis filters, it seems to me.
I hope the feedback from readers.
Strange Creature Caught on Video Camera with Wireless. Subject ¿Alien Grey or Disguised?
The boy called Alex, and apparently a strange creature has recorded at least three different occasions, a video camera and the other with the phone. This video has caused quite a stir on YouTube, as has been seen and commented on by more than 20000 people in the community.
" I'm open to all kinds of explanations , "said Alex for an interview in the Daily News when asked about the strange filming. has described him as a creature that is between 120 and 140 cm in height, its color is grayish and has no hair. Several researchers have made a stir about what could be so strange being.
Being emits light with a flash and it looks like a Zeta reticullum . Has not yet ruled that it can be as strange creature, though they may all be a fake. After all, it could be someone playing a joke with a latex mask and a laser ...
Then I found this analysis that seems to evidence that was not a man in disguise. The truth, seem convincing. leave the video with the full analysis of what might be the mysterious creature:
UFO filmed in Brindisi, Italy.
UFOs over New York. Balls of light on the Big Apple.
Strange object in the sky of Colombia. UFO or meteorite impacts in Canyon Chicamocha in Santander, Colombia.
A fireball flew in Santander Department in northeastern Colombia. There is still unfinished his whereabouts, as they have not been found tangible remains of the object that hit the canyon Chicamocha. The roar was heard in the municipalities of Bucaramanga, Barrancabermeja, Májaga, Mogotes and San Gil, and even Piedecuesta residents say some glass shattered.
For his part, Raúl Joya, director of the National Observatory of the University Sergio Arboleda has declarardo that the object was a meteor, and that the reason for not finding anything is that this was broken into small pieces (like a large lemon) to have crashed to earth.
Also reported a very loud explosion north of the Cauca valley, to the sides of the town of Versailles, where several residents said they heard a very loud explosion.
Adapted from: Source
The China Hangzhou UFO is False (probably).
That's what Geoffrey said Formen, weapons analyst at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). The engineer, who examined the photographs with different precision filters, declared that the object is not a UFO. Chances are it is a Chinese military experiment, more specifically a rocket DF - 21 which was probably launched from a nearby military base. The results were published in blog form, called Arms Control Wonk
I said it before and I say now, this has always known and always was an exaggeration of the pop - media. Conspiranoia definitely gets people to extremes sometimes can not be understood through the eyes of science. This is one of those cases
I said it before and I say now, this has always known and always was an exaggeration of the pop - media. Conspiranoia definitely gets people to extremes sometimes can not be understood through the eyes of science. This is one of those cases
UFO over Hangzhou, China. UFOs 7-9 July 2010.
The strange flying object was seen in July 2010 in China.around 9 pm, the UFO affected communication networks and aircraft flights delayed for a while. Explanation is expected by the Chinese government, which has already expressed by saying that the phenomenon has a perfectly logical explanation, and that this will be revealed later, as the country's military forces were involved in this matter.Possibly a military experiment, but alien spacecraft, NOTHING.
UFOs fly over the moon. Unidentified flying objects on the lunar surface.
UFO Culhuacan, Mexico on June 5, 2010. UFO Video
UFO on August 15, 2009 in Russia.
UFO is sighted UFO or Missile Base in Vandenberg, California. Strange light beam is spotted on Military Base.
For this recording, like many others, perplex the author of these lines. Why? First, because this recording shows an event that we should no longer be considered strange because similar events have been posted here. Similar cases are the rare spirals in Norway and the strange wormholes in Russia.
- But then, it may be that mysterious beam of light?
Well, conspiranoics could say that is:
- A mysterious wormhole that connects different parts of the universe, which ships travel, possible extraterrestrial origin.
- A secret military experiment involving time travel.
- A missile suerultrasecretisimo that nobody can find out (and even so, he was captured on video) launched superultrasecretos purposes.
Well, the truth is that we only see a beam of light. can not make a conclusion about the real origin of this strange phenomenon, except that it was captured by a Youtube user calledPredator exterris . And Distribution discontinued, NOT A UFO. It's from the planet earth, of military origin.
UFO Mothership in Indonesia in 2010. Strange cloud formations in Indonesia.
that cloud most strange! but although these formations appear to UFOs, are merely clouds, but yes, the way it has is quite strange ... camouflage? foreign military experiments? it will be?. Anyway, here I leave the video to judge:
The Orion Conspiracy. Extraterrestrial contact with Human Beings
The conspiracy tion of Orion is the cornerstone of conspiracy theories circulating on the network. you've always wondered where all those trigger unproven theories about aliens ruling our world? In this video I explain.
The Orion Conspiracy | Subtitling from Humanity in Transition on Vimeo .
UFOs appear in Wesalco, Texas. Report on UFOs.
UFO Material January 2010. New videos of UFOs.
The UFO Material bring then is the most recent to date. Most of the videos came out in 2010 / 1. 1) UFO interested in volcanic activity. UFOs in Metepec and Atlixco.
2) Pyramid UFO in England:
3) Foo Fighters in the U.S.. Spherical UFOs in the United States:
And this is the great Fake of the Month: A video by its very composition NOTE THAT IS NOT REAL: The UFO that shot down the Russian army:
Triangular UFO in France. January 2010
Paranormal Videos Watch Live Online 24 / 7.Paranormal Online Video Channel.
Jaime Maussan and Extraterrestrial Mothership Mexico.
Another research by Jame Maussan.
UFOs and Wormholes in Norway. December 9, 2009
It turns out that on December 9 in Norway, a strange phenomenon happened. And it's not a new phenomenon, as we have seen UFOs that leave forms before spiraling into the air, just like this or this one .
The truth is that the phenomenon happened again, telling the BBC that they were a source of missiles fired that cause these phenomena. But note that these are not missiles, but a kind of wormhole to make travel between dimensions and can bend space-time.
Well let three main things: photos taken here and here and two explanatory videos, one of the events as such and the other in a simulation of the motion of these objects. Strange, no?
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