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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Breaking News : Anonymous "Dismantled By The FBI"

Greetings citizens of the world,

We are Anonymous! It has come to the attention of the collective that there are still members of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation who don't quite understand what Anonymous is. Anonymous can't simply be dismantled by arresting people... See Anonymous is everyone, so unless you arrest the entire planet Anonymous can never truly be dismantled, it's simply an idea that lives on in all of us.

Anonymous constantly evolves and changes to how people want it to be. In the end, Anonymous can only be constructed or dismantled within our own imagination, not through arrests and/or threats. We're all Anonymous by default, even the FBI is Anonymous if they choose to be. The true power of Anonymous isn't in the person alone, it's in the message and/or idea they help spread.

The CIA would call this video "blowback", it's a term that can apply to Anonymous quite well. When an FBI agent claimed they dismantled Anonymous it influenced the creation of this video, which in turn only makes Anonymous stronger rather than weaker. Blowback will always occur when you're dealing with an idea, it's one of the main reasons an idea can never be destroyed. No matter how many people you arrest, there's always going to be two more people who support the idea.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
United as One,
Divided by Zero,
We can Forgive,
Yet we shall never Forget,
Expect us!

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