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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

It’s Hard To Believe His Owners Discarded Him At An Animal Shelter, But Look What He Does Now

Here’s a story that will make you smile!

Perhaps it was Xander’s blindness and his breathing problems that made his owners give him up at the Klamath Animal Shelter. Whatever the reason, the poor dog was left sad and confused. Fortunately, after being at the shelter for only a few days, Marcie and Rodney Beedy saw Xander’s loving personality and knew he had potential as a working therapy dog and adopted him.

After finding his forever home, Xander went to Dog School at Double C where he was trained to be a therapy dog. Now the adorable pug spends time with people who need companionship and comfort. Xander also helps children who are afraid of dogs to overcome their fear.

You can follow Xander on Facebook and Instagram.

Xander was a recipient of the AKC ACE award for Therapy Dog in 2014.

Xander shows others that having a disability is no reason to give up on your dreams.

Xander cheers up people in the hospital and nursing homes.

He wipes the tears from a little girl’s cheeks during one of his therapy dog rounds.

Xander spreads joy wherever he goes.

He loves being around children.

Xander and his parents work with Klamath Chapter Hands & Words Are Not For Hurting Project.

Can you believe anyone could ever give this sweet dog up?

Photo: Xander eve made it in the Herard and News local paper for his walk in the Tulelake Parade.

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