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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to Ethiopian parliament : A new era of cooperation

Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi also warned of an “epidemic of terrorism,” stressed necessity of cooperation between Egypt and Ethiopia to curb its influence


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi at the Ethiopian parliament on Wednesday 25, March 2015

President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi has called for a new era of cooperation and development between Egypt and Ethiopia in a speech to the Ethiopian parliament in Addis Ababa on Wednesday.

“Egypt wants to turn the page in the history of relations between the two countries and establish a basis for mutual interest,” El-Sisi said.

El-Sisi stressed Egypt's full commitment to the newly signed principles of declaration  over the $4.2 billion Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam.

El-Sisi emphasised that Egypt is keen to avoid any conflict so that it is possible to move ahead towards development and prosperity in cooperation with Ethiopia.   

“Let’s put aside the issues we have with each other. We need to work on joint responsibility,” El-Sisi said.

The Egyptian president also made clear during his speech the importance of the Nile which links Egypt to Ethiopia.  

In reference to the principles of declaration signed between the three countries to enhance cooperation over the Renaissance Dam plans, El-Sisi said that the new agreement reflects mutual interests for Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan.

While addressing the myriad of problems that face the region, El-Sisi also warned of what he called the “epidemic of terrorism” which is rampant and that further cooperation between the nations is necessary to curb its influence.

The 15-minute speech addressed issues concerning the Nile Basin and African countries, highlighting Ethiopia and Egypt's leading role and their responsibility towards solving the region's problems.

El-Sisi traveled on Sunday to Khartoum for a one-day visit to sign the declaration with leaders of Sudan and Ethiopia, then headed to Ethiopia on Monday on his second official visit as Egypt president to address parliament.

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