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Friday, December 30, 2011

أقصر إمرأة في العالم

World's Shortest Woman

'I want to make people happy': How 2ft tall Jyoti dreams of Bollywood acting career after being crowned world's shortest woman
Celebrating your 18th birthday is a momentous occasion for anyone, but for tiny Jyoti Amge the milestone is even bigger news. The 2ft teenager is already a mini celebrity in her hometown of Nagpur, India, but is now set for a huge record when she is officially declared the world's smallest woman. And despite her miniature stature, 61.95cm-tall Jyoti hopes to celebrate being crowned the world's shortest woman by launching a Bollywood movie career. She took the Guinness World Record from 2ft 3in American Bridgette Jordan, and celebrated her birthday with a teddy bear which loomed over her tiny 24.4in frame.She measured 7 centimeters (2.76 inches) shorter than the 22-year-old American Bridgette Jordan, who had held the title since September. A teary-eyed Jyoti, dressed in one of her finest saris, called the honor an 'extra birthday present' and said she felt grateful for being small, as it had brought her recognition. She also blew out candles on a birthday cake which was comfortably bigger than her. Even the Guinness World Records book at the ceremony came up to Jyoti's waist. Jyoti weighs just 12lbs (5.5kg) - only 9lbs more than she did at birth - and has a form of dwarfism call achondroplasia, which stopped her growing after her first birthday. She has brittle bones and is likely to need care for the rest of her life, but that has not stopped her tall ambitions of cracking the movie industry.

أقصر إمرأة في العالم
أن تحتفل بعيد ميلادك , هي مناسبة طيبة , لكن هناك في الهند بلاد الغرائب والعجائب كما يقولون توجد أقصر إمرأة في العالم تدعى جويتي أمجي حيث تحتفل بعيد ميلادها الثامن عشر , تقول جيوتي أنها تتمنى أن تدرس الطب كي تساعد المحتاجين وكي تعالج نفسها حيث أنها تعاني من هشاشة في العظام وتزن 5.5 كيلو ويصل طولها فقط 61.9 سم  

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