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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Most Extraordinary UFO Events of 2011 Part One: Jerusalem Dome on the Rock UFO – Videos

MUFON Expert Marc D'Antonio "Jerusalem UFO is hoax" statement original post scrubbed from website
The–in our opinion–most extraordinary “UFO” events of 2011.
Yesterday we published our results of the Top Five Most Viewed 2011 UFO Videos at Youtube, ‘UFO’ videos with over 27 million combined views. We discovered four out of five videos were: A documented hoax, a what might be a hoax and two cases of misleading advertising. The most viewed UFO video: a hoax that may have been designed to ‘discredit’ one of the top UFO events of the year, the Irkutsk Siberia UFO sightings, an event which got our vote for the 2nd most extraordinary UFO event of 2011.
Our criteria for the most extraordinary UFO events of 2011, UFOs that:
Garnered the most press from the mainstream news media–when the mainstream news media weighs in on a UFO ‘event’ the observation, where there’s MSM ‘smoke’ there may have been a very real UFO ‘fire’.
The 2011 UFO video at Youtube with the most views was quickly revealed as a hoax. A hoax which may have been a concerted effort to diffuse world interest in the Irkutsk UFO sightings between mid-January and early March 2011. In Part One of the Most Extraordinary UFO Events of 2011, an analysis of the Jerusalem UFO aka the Dome on the Rock UFO event on January 28, 2011. A UFO event which was touted as “Case Closed” by a Discovery News article. An article that cited a statement from MUFON expert Marc D’Antonio the Jerusalem UFO ‘was a hoax’. Antonio’s statement was then plastered across the web. A statement which has since disappeared from the web, the original post scrubbed by

[Photo-Image: MUFON Post scrubbed by, image retrieved via WaybackMachine,]
Another discovery, the mysterious MUFON ties to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS).
On January 28, 2011, the Jerusalem UFO aka the Dome on the Rock UFO event.
While some might believe the UFO was a hoax due to a lack of witnesses there’s the dismal reality mainstream news media here and abroad–Russia, the exception–are loathe to report UFO events which includes talking to witnesses. Here in the U.S. the track record for MSM news reports is a ‘wait and see’ if people are talking about it on the web approach.

[Photo-Image: Jerusalem UFO, January 28, 2011]
The Jerusalem UFO aka the Dome of the Rock UFO
Original Video
UFO – Dome of the rock – Temple mount – Jerusalem 28.01.2011
2,046,897 Views-2,742 likes, 340 dislikes
Video info:
This morning around 01:00 AM at the promenade of Armon Hantziv in Jerusalm, i was witness(with another guy), an amazing ufo aircraft over Jerusalem old city (mount Moriah) Dome of the Rock,Temple Mount
What is the meaning of this sighting ?????????……………………………
Compilation Video
JERUSALEM UFO 2011 – The 3 TRUE sightings (HD)
On December 31, 2011, the video had 1,010,307 views-1,892 likes, 104 dislikes.
Video info:
Uploaded by isjackal on Feb 4, 2011
BEWARE OF THE COVER-UP (and other fake debunkers…), and please read this if you want to know precisely what happened :
these are the 3 real videos caught on january 28th 2011 over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, around 01:00 AM. The first and second footages were caught respectively by Eligael Gedalyovich and a friend of him who you can see filming with his phone just few meters ahead of him on the first footage (just a note for people who wonder why we can hear the same thing on these two footages).
The third footage in order of appearance was an obvious hoax, featuring american ladies on some trip (commenting “we’ve seen in Mississipi like that…”), released just after the two first footages for obscure reasons, one being obviously to discredit these sightings. And though these two first footages were only released since a couple of hours so shouldn’t have been a big threat yet…
The fourth one (which is the third in this video because it does not feature the hoax I was previously talking about) has been caught by a guy (not sure about his name yet) who was going out with friends on that night. You can also find the complete footage of their outting here :
There had also been many reports on news, and many testimonies from eyewitnesses, including from an Israeli policeman. Also note that the two groups of people have nothing to do with each other (according to J. Maussan investigations) and absolutely no link with any acting school…
Do you see this triangle/pyramid with red lights hovering above, and glancing very strangely ? Could it dropped the sphere ? (it’s not very visible here, so check the original footages if you wanna see them clearlier, because sadly I lost a considerable amount of quality when I uploaded this) and… is there a message in this apparition ?
Check also the video evidence released by Jerusalem Weather Station,

…as well as the possible 5th footage, only uploaded in March 2011 :

Here’s also the first reaction of the first witness, Eligael Gedalyovich,

…see also the interview of Michael Cohen, ufologist :

… and finally the documentary made by Jaime Maussan about it :

And make up your own mind.
? ???
“Critics, it’s difficult for them to dismiss this because there are so many different angles, we’ve got four different videos, all from various perspectives showing this “light” from up above the Dome on the Rock in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount of course we know is the Holy Site for both Jews and Muslims. You see the shining ball of light, right? It’s above there, it’s kind of, well, just frozen, you really can’t see it now, there it is, right there, it’s at the top of the screen, it’s up there and it hovers, kind of a pulsating orb. And then hold on here because this thing starts going down, right there, going down toward the Dome of the Rock and then it stops and it hovers there for a while, it kind of sits there and then all the sudden it shoots straight back up into the air. Experts say this is kind of an indication this is an unmanned… there it is! You saw that it shot straight back up into the air. Kinda hard to see but it shot up into the air and the experts think that you know it’s an unmanned vehicle, they believe, it could be a drone but they do not know of anything like this in the Israeli army. They say this incredible video or some very well orchestrated hoax. Some of them said maybe this is a movie that’s putting out, I don’t know, what are you putting out for a movie, a trailer or some kind of a hoax to try to promote a movie that’s yet to be named, we don’t know. Could it be Jacob’s Ladder? Remember Jacob’s Ladder?
Megyn Kelly: “No, I don’t watch scary films, they freak me out.”
The 1990 thriller/horror film Jacob’s Ladder,
A traumatized Vietnam war veteran finds out that his post-war life isn’t what he believes it to be when he’s attacked by horned creatures in the subway and his dead son comes to visit him.
Jacob’s Ladder in the Bible,
“As he was dreaming, he had a vision of a ladder, or stairway, between heaven and earth. God’s angels were on it, ascending and descending.”
Jerusalem UFO “Case Closed”? Not Exactly
On March 31, 2011, the Discovery News website published JERUSALEM UFO VIDEO: CASE CLOSED, an analysis by Benjamon Radford who dubbed the Jerusalem UFO videos, a hoax.
Cited by Radford, then posted across the web, the infamous MUFON expert Marc D’Antonio, “I firmly believe the UFO was not real, for many reasons . . . this video and the other Jerusalem UFO Videos are in my opinion hoaxes.”
In his Discovery News Jerusalem UFO videos are hoaxes diatribe Benjamin Radford cited MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D’Antonio’s “statement”.
A few days ago, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), one of the oldest, largest, and most respected UFO investigation organizations in the world, announced their findings about the Jerusalem UFO. MUFON, though hardly a hard-line skeptical organization, has a stable of experts they draw upon for analysis.
According to a statement, “MUFON’s chief Photo and Video Analyst, Mr. Marc Dantonio, stated ‘I firmly believe that the UFO was not real, for many reasons…this video and the other Jerusalem UFO Videos are in my opinion hoaxes.” Dantonio cited several reasons for his conclusion, some of them echoing points I made in my analysis published in O’Neill’s piece six weeks earlier.

Curiously, Radford’s link to Dantonio’s statement linked to a 404 Not Found Page at
Not Found
The requested URL /2011/03/29/mufon-dismisses-jerusalem-ufo-as-a-hoax/ was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
On April 4, 2011, CNUFOS debunked the Discovery News Jerusalem UFO debunking, Jerusalem UFO orb is genuine, survives MUFON attempt to debunk ET communication.
MUFON expert conflates hoaxed “sixth” video into stating genuine videos are “hoaxes”
MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D’Antonio then conflates the obviously hoaxed “sixth” video into stating that the first and second videos of the Jerusalem UFO event are also hoaxes.
Mr. D’Antonio states, “For many reasons beyond what I have so far shared, this video [a sixth alleged video of the Jerusalem UFO] and the other Jerusalem UFO Videos are in my opinion hoaxes.”
MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D’Antonio said, “the two original videos of the event (Video 1 & 2), are both very different from each other and each gives away the hoax by comparison to the other”.
Did Mufon dismiss the Jerusalem UFO as a hoax?
Searching the internet the only link between MUFON and the Jerusalem UFO was D’Antonio’s statement which was copied and posted across the web, the original post scrubbed from the internet.
The Mysterious MUFON Board Flap and Mufon’s Ties to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) and the Skinwalker Ranch
On January 31, 2011, three days after the Jerusalem UFO event The UFO Chronicles website published Strange Bedfellows by James Carrion, former MUFON Director. The UFO Chronicles post headline, Former MUFON Director, James Carrion Fires Back at Critics and Reveals Reasons For His Resignation!.
Speaking of strange relationships, in 2009, billionaire entrepeneur Robert Bigelow decided to hire MUFON to conduct UFO investigations on behalf of his new venture, BAASS, an alleged aerospace company interested in discovering and exploiting novel and cutting edge technologies that relate to space travel.
John Schuessler, MUFON Board Member and former International Director was offered a U.S. government security clearance allegedly related to his consulting work for Mr. Bigelow. Now whether John was actually given that clearance, I can’t say for sure, but I was one of the people interviewed as part of his background investigation.
During the project, MUFON provided both historical MUFON files as well as current MUFON case files (including witness information) to BAASS. To cover MUFON legally, the MUFON UFO reporting form was modified to collect the witness’ permission to offer their sighting data to a third party, the only third party being BAASS.
A fascinating read, Bigelow’s BAASS.
Now, being the type of person I am ——- suspicious ———- this seemed odd; weird, strange, —– almost Fortean. Why would the FAA, after ALL these decades, suddenly, have an interest in UFO reports and WHY would suddenly – there be a `specific’ group to call? WHY? And who is BAASS?
But, upon reading the story – I immediately was familiar with the Bigelow name – having read `In Search Of The Skinwalker’ years ago. I also knew about NIDS (National Institute For Discovery Science, I believe) a `study group’ that was funded by Bigelow in the past (perhaps still) to study anomalous events – I even ordered one of their `reports’ once. And, by following the links within this story – you can find out much more about Mr. Bigelow. Also, if you have read `Skinwalker’ you are aware that Mr. Bigelow’s study of the ranch basically `confirmed’ the existence of `dimensional portals with dimensional entities/creatures’.
Carrion wrote his departure from MUFON was related to his ‘uncovering some very damaging information about the Skinwalker Ranch (also owned by Mr. Bigelow.).
Carrion posted a link to Amazon and the book, Hunt for the Skinwalker.
Info from Amazon:
For more than fifty years, the bizarre events at a remote Utah ranch have ranged from the perplexing to the wholly terrifying. Vanishing and mutilated cattle. Unidentified Flying Objects. The appearance of huge, otherworldly creatures. Invisible objects emitting magnetic fields with the power to spark a cattle stampede. Flying orbs of light with dazzling maneuverability and lethal consequences. For one family, life on the Skinwalker Ranch had become a life under siege by an unknown enemy or enemies. Nothing else could explain the horrors that surrounded them — perhaps science could.
The link to the Skinwalker Ranch website and a “bio” on Bigelow.
Which leads to the Skinwalker webpage on types of UFOS–photos included. Of particular interest, the “Flash Drones”.
A pulsating spherical ball of light. The light appears bluish to a yellow green glow. The light it casts is not extremely bright but will cast light on objects immediately surrounding the orb. Typically there is more than 1 orbs gathered. They have the ability to hover and make no noise. There appears to be no physical shape supporting these orbs. A characteristic feature is that they will pulsate their light intensity for a matter of seconds growing extremely bright, and then fading away to nothing as if the object simply vanished. Apparently these have been witnessed during the day but are more visible at night. Have been seen transforming into other animal shapes and is suspected of having the ability to transmorph into the shape of local living animals. Can affect other electrical objects and knocked out the power to the ranch house. Shift between a visible and invisible state as they pulsate on and off.
Sound familiar?
Wasn’t the Jerusalem UFO, an orb or “spherical ball of light”?

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