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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mystery of the Black Orbs: UFOs, Balloons, or Remote Controlled ‘Predator Orbs’?

UFOs, Balloons, or Remote Controlled ‘Predator Orbs’?

January 7, 2012

[Photo-Image: Japan's JSDF Robotic Floating Sphere]
I noticed a? bunch of military aircraft flying over the detroit river and was baffled until two weekends ago i was in a highrise apartment off the border 14 stories up and seen a black orb flying over the water at eye level right in front of the building I was in! It didn’t have a front or back, it was a perfect circle! It was unbelivable! It was traveling on a straight line as if it was on some kinda track! IT WAS SO CLOSE, I SEEN THE SUNLIGHT REFLECT OFF OF IT! IT DISSAPEARED BEHIND BUILDINGS.
Comment from Youtube video Three Black Orbs dancing and spinning around Each Other
Was a blackish gray ball hovering over Kyle, Texas, on January 2, 2012, a UFO, an unidentified flying object?
Was the object a balloon?
Or, was the object a Dept. of Defense ‘Predator Orb’ similar to Japan’s JSDF Robotic Floating Sphere?
A new January 2, 2012, ‘UFO’ report of a ‘black ball” hovering over Kyle, Texas.
Details of the Kyle, Texas, UFO–unidentified flying object–incident include a photo of what seems to be a black ball, orb, sphere, or ONVI hovering in the sky in broad daylight. According to the eyewitness, the ball was ‘blackish gray’. The witness described a second, cigar shaped object following a jet, the object that ‘disappeared’. Link to Kyle, Texas, UFO news report which includes a photo of the black object hovering in the sky.
Was the object a balloon? Based on the photo–you’ll have to follow the link–we have no clue. What we do know, people have filmed ‘black orbs’ and posted them on Youtube. In the comments section, people who reported they have seen black orbs, orbs which seem to be under some kind of control. For these people, the inability to file a report with an agency and/or the fear of being labeled a moron who doesn’t know a balloon when they see one.
Comment from Youtube Video, Three Black Orbs dancing and spinning around Each Other.
I saw one of these in Ottawa, Canada Feb. 14th, 2010 early evening before dark. At first I thought it was a crow and then it became evident it was not. Then I thought? maybe they were 2 or 3 balloons entangled around each other until I stepped out my back door and realized they were traveling into the wind at a constant speed and level altitude under 500 ft. I was able to observe them for a couple of minutes through binoculars but all I can say is they looked like pitch black orbs.
Was the object a remote-controlled floating sphere? The Japanese military has them–JSDF Robotic Floating Orb–why not our own Department of Defense, a newfangled ‘Predator Orb’?
From Inventor Spot:
The JSDF Robotic Floating Orb, for want of a better moniker, is ideal for urban reconnaissance when equipped with tiny still or video cameras. Potentially fitted with offensive weaponry, the rugged sphere could function as a sort of urban Predator drone that seeks out, chases down and exterminates its target. If the JSDF boys could add a voice chip that allows the orb to actually shout “EX-TERMINATE!!” with an English accent, so much the better!
The ominous orb buzzes evilly, sort of like a giant hornet (Japan actually has those, btw) in a bad mood. When directed by a human operating what looks like a standard remote from a radio-controlled model airplane, the sphere can motor along at around 40 mph (60 kph) – quite suitable for inner-city ops.

Less than 24 hours after the black ball sighting in Kyle, Texas, the extraordinary ‘UFO’ video from Brazil of mysterious multiple flashing lights including what seems to be something in the sky ‘ejecting’ smaller objects into the nighttime sky.


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