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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

اللجنة الوطنية لمقاطعة إسرائيل تدين بشدة مشاركة شخصيات عربية في مؤتمر هرتسليا الإسرائيلي

فلسطين المحتلة، 25/1/2012 — تدين اللجنة الوطنية للمقاطعة وبشدة مشاركة متحدثين عرب، وبالذات عضو اللجنة التنفيذية في م.ت.ف. السيد صائب عريقات، في مؤتمر هرتسليا (الإسرائيلي) الثاني عشر، والذي سيعقد الأسبوع القادم تحت عنوان “في عين العاصفة، إسرائيل والشرق الأوسط”. يعتبر مؤتمر هرتسليا الأهم في الأوساط الاستخباراتية والعسكرية الإسرائيلية إذ أنه يُعنى بتطوير وتعزيز “الأمن القومي” الإسرائيلي [1]، وبذلك يُعد من أشد المؤتمرات خطورة على القضية الفلسطينية. منذ 2000، يعقد “معهد الدراسات الإستراتيجية” هذا المؤتمر سنويًا بهدف مراجعة السياسات الإسرائيلية (بالذات الأمنية) للعام السابق وتحديد معالم السياسات للعام المقبل ومراحل أخرى قادمة، ويعد لذلك مرجعًا أساسيًا للحكومات الإسرائيلية المتعاقبة في اتخاذ قراراتها العدوانية وتحديد حروبها القادمة. إن مشاركة أي متحدث عربي في مؤتمر هرتسليا تعد تواطئاً مشينًا في تعزيز “أمن” الاحتلال والأبارتهايد الإسرائيلي وتقويضًا لنضالنا من أجل الحرية والعودة وتقرير المصير.
تنظر اللجنة الوطنية للمقاطعة، والتي تضم أكبر تحالف لقوى واتحادات ومنظمات وشبكات المجتمع المدني الفلسطيني، إلى هذه المشاركة العربية المستهجنة في المؤتمر أنها تتناقض تماماً مع إرادة الشعب الفلسطيني التي عبرت عنها الغالبية الساحقة من أحزابه وأجسامه النقابية والاجتماعية والنضالية في نداء 2005 لمقاطعة إسرائيل وسحب الاستثمارات منها وفرض العقوبات عليها (BDS) حتى تنصاع بالكامل للقانون الدولي ومبادئ حقوق الإنسان. [2] وتأتي هذه المشاركة في الوقت الذي تحقق حملة BDS انتصارات هامة على الصعيد الاقتصادي والأكاديمي والثقافي، مما يجعلها مشاركة، بغض النظر عن النوايا، في معركة إسرائيل ضد شعبنا وضد حملة المقاطعة تحديدًا.
ان مشاركة متحدثين عرب في هذا المؤتمر تسهم في شرعنه جرائم إسرائيل ضد شعبنا الفلسطيني وكافة شعوبنا العربية من خلال إعطاء انطباع زائف بوجود علاقات طبيعية بين العالم العربي وإسرائيل رغم احتلالها وعنصريتها ومخالفتها المستمرة للقانون الدولي ولحقوق شعبنا.
لا نتوقع من هذه الشخصيات العربية أن تنضم إلى حملة المقاطعة التي يقودها المجتمع المدني الفلسطيني، ولكننا نتوقع منها عدم القيام بأي عمل كهذا من شأنه أن يضعف الحملة العالمية للمقاطعة وبالتالي يضعف التضامن العالمي الهائل والمتنامي مع شعبنا.
إن حملة مقاطعة إسرائيل الآخذة في الانتشار في أرجاء المعمورة باتت تؤسس لاستعادة شعبنا زخم التضامن الدولي مع حقوق شعبنا غير القابلة للتصرف. لقد آن الأوان لتتضافر جميع الجهود لتقوية هذه الحملة، لا التسبب في إضعافها.
إننا في الوقت الذي يتعرض فيه شعبنا في قطاع غزة المحتل للعدوان المستمر واستمرار الحصار الوحشي وغير الشرعي الذي دمّر الاقتصاد المحلي، ودفعَ مئات الآلاف إلى ما دون خط الفقر، وتسبَّب في حرمان واسع لأهلنا من المرافق الصحية والتعليمية، وألحق دماراً هائلاً بالبيئة، وفي الوقت الذي يواصل فيه الاستيطان الاستعماري زحفه في الضفة الغربية بخطى حثيثة ومتسارعة، وتتفاقم حملة التطهير العرقي التدريجي لأهلنا في القدس والأغوار والنقب، وتستمر معاناة الآلاف من أسرانا في سجون الاحتلال، ويستمر حرمان الملاين من لاجئينا من حقهم الطبيعي والمكفول دوليًا بالعودة إلى الديار التي شردوا منها، لا يسعنا إلا أن نسأل المشاركين العرب: كيف تقبلون على أنفسكم دور المتواطئ في تعزيز “أمن” دولة الاحتلال والتغطية على جرائمها؟
بناء ً على ما سبق، فإن اللجنة الوطنية للمقاطعة تطالب كافة المشاركين العرب، وبالذات الفلسطينيين، بالانسحاب الفوري من مؤتمر هرتسليا واحترام قرار الأغلبية الساحقة من مجتمعنا الفلسطيني الداعم لحملة المقاطعة.
اللجنة الوطنية لمقاطعة إسرائيل وسحب الاستثمارات منها وفرض العقوبات عليها
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المؤتمر الوطني الثالث لمقاطعة إسرائيل

تتشرف اللجنة الوطنية لمقاطعة إسرائيل وسحب الاستثمارات منها وفرض العقوبات عليها
بدعوتكم للمشاركة الفاعلة في
“المؤتمر الوطني الثالث لمقاطعة إسرائيل”
يوم السبت 2011/12/17 من الساعة 9:00 صباحًا حتى 5:00 مساءً
في مجمع إسعاد الطفولة، الخليل
يسعى المؤتمر لتوسيع دائرة التبني الفعلي من قبل مجتمعنا لمقاطعة إسرائيل وسحب الاستثمارات منها كإستراتيجية مقاومة مدنية وشعبية فعالة، تمتد جذورها في عمق التجربة النضالية الفلسطينية. يهدف المؤتمر، تحديدًا، إلى المساهمة العملية في نشر وتعزيز ثقافة المقاطعة في أوساط شعبنا في كل أماكن تواجده بدءًا بتطبيق معايير المقاطعة المقرة من المجتمع المدني الفلسطيني، وبالذات فك الارتباط مع دولة الاحتلال، ومطالبة المؤسسات والهيئات العالمية بوقف تواطئها في إدامة الاحتلال والأبارتهايد الإسرائيلي ضد شعبنا، مع ترسيخ دور اللجنة الوطنية للمقاطعة كالمرجعية الفلسطينية لحملات المقاطعة في العالم. يجسد المؤتمر الإرادة الفلسطينية الموحدة والمصممة على نيل حقوقنا المشروعة، وعلى رأسها التحرر والعودة وتقرير المصير، ويعبر عن امتناننا لشرفاء العالم الذين اصطفوا إلى جانب الحق في وجه الاحتلال والأبارتهايد الإسرائيلي
مرفق برنامج المؤتمر وجدول المواصلات

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Third National Conference on BDS

The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) cordially invites you to
“Third National Conference on BDS”
Saturday December 17, 2011
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Children’s Happiness Center, Hebron
This conference aims to expand Palestinian civil society’s active implementation of BDS as an effective and popular strategy of civil resistance, that is deeply rooted in the Palestinian struggle. The conference specifically aims to contribute to the promotion and strengthening of the culture of boycott among Palestinians wherever they may reside, through implementing the boycott according to the criteria adopted by Palestinian civil society, particularly in terms of economic disengagement from Israel; demanding that international institutions and organizations end their complicity in perpetuating Israeli occupation and apartheid; and solidifying the role of the BNC as the Palestinian reference for the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The conference embodies the unified and determined Palestinian will to secure our legitimate rights, the most important of which are liberation, self-determination and right of return. It also expresses our gratitude to people of conscience around the world who stand on the side of justice in the face of Israeli occupation and apartheid.
Attached please find the conference invitation as well as the program and shuttle schedule.
For more information please call: 0597 488 615 or email
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The Bethlehem Call: Here we stand – Stand with us

The Bethlehem Call:
Here we stand – Stand with us
To the reader: Read and interpret this text with a Kairos consciousness and gaze of prophetic anger.
How long, O God, will they steal our livelihood? Oppress, imprison and humiliate our people? Deprive our children of their childhood? Indeed how long, God, will the multitudes of Christians of the world ignore the anguish of our Palestinian sisters and brothers and all of the oppressed?
“Come and see,” said the Christians of Palestine. “Come and see the olive groves, the bulldozers, the ancient terraces, the segregated cities. The situation is worsening.”
More than 60 participants from 15 countries heeded an urgent call by Kairos Palestine. On 4-10 December 2011; they joined Palestinians in the Kairos for Global Justice Encounter/Conference in Bethlehem.
The aims and objectives of the encounter/conference were to:
· Bring awareness of and share a Kairos consciousness experienced by all groups attending the encounter;
· Strengthen and build ties among Kairos groups to form a committed global network for justice;
· Learn from the Palestinian experience the urgency of Kairos solidarity and to end injustice by implementing concrete actions at the national, regional and global level.
On the road to this encounter/conference, there was the Amman Call in 2007, which ended 60 years without a unified Christian voice speaking against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The next milestone was the Berne Perspective in 2008, which is illustrated in the statement: “Enough is enough. No more words without deeds, it is time for action.” The cry for justice in Palestine reached a pivotal moment when, in December 2009, Palestinian Christians launched the Kairos Palestine document: “A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering.”
We now say: “Injustice no more. Here we stand. Stand with us”
The current context
Today, the illegal regime and illegal forms of the Israeli occupation of Palestine assumes dimensions of systemic injustice whereby the unthinkable and unimaginable becomes globally accepted, supported and normalized. This is an example of Empire (global domination) at work. It happens in Palestine as it happens in many other contexts around the world. At the same time, Palestine is clearly a global issue. The government of Israel claims to have and indeed enjoys an exceptional status within the international community. Israel regards itself to be above the law and is treated as exempt from international law. This status provides the Israeli government the freedom to occupy Palestine with impunity.
As witnessed with our own eyes, the treacherous conditions imposed by the Israeli occupation on Palestinians and their land have reached a level of almost unimaginable and sophisticated criminality. This includes the slow yet deliberate and systematic ethnic cleansing and the geo-cide of Palestinians and Palestine as well as the strangling of the Palestinian economy. The brutality in the “violence of silence” internationally provides an almost impenetrable shield for the Israeli government to implement its evil designs in blatant disregard for human rights and international law. Silence is an opinion. Inaction is an action. We witness decidedly spineless cowardice in failure to resist the Israeli government by the majority of governments, political parties, media outlets, businesses, most of organized religion — including Christianity — and the silence of prophets worldwide. This makes us accomplices in crimes against humanity, such as the crimes of apartheid and persecution as described in international law.[1]
We witness also the resolve and resilience of Palestinians to match the imbalance of political, economic and military power with unbending steadfastness for their freedom and just peace.
The deligitimization and criminalization of the Israeli government and its local and international support base is gaining unstoppable momentum. The existence of international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns and other forms of non-violent resistance is an established fact. The government and state of Israel is now regarded as an apartheid regime in terms of international law, with particular reference to the UN Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court. The severity of the Palestinian situation makes comparisons with apartheid in South Africa superfluous and almost irrelevant. The benchmark is international law and not South Africa.
Globally we observe a context of growing fluidity and volatility. In this context, we are deeply concerned to observe how governments and societies in the West, including churches and ecumenical bodies dominated by the West, are becoming more and more exclusive, supremacist and dictatorial in conserving an unjust status quo. Furthermore, the growing economic and political volatility of world powers in North America and Europe creates a context of uncertainty for precise timelines in dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian situation. However this fluidity in addition to the Arab Awakening holds potential for hope.
The global South, also complicit in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, possesses the potential to be an untapped source of hope. This potential holds value not only for Palestinians but also for those societies in the global North where Empire crumbles.
We are also acutely aware of struggles for justice everywhere, including within Israel itself. We have come to ignite, nurture and strengthen a Kairos consciousness for each of these contexts as interconnected and interrelated. We draw inspiration and strength from each other and also from progressive peace activists and human rights groups in Israel.
In the deep pain of the Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, of Palestinian refugees and of Israeli Arab citizens, we witnessed the tears of God. God keeps the flame of faith alive, as the darkness of despair closes in. God lives and breathes in the lament of those whose future has been stolen. In the cries of the dispossessed we have sensed the passion of God for right to prevail.
God takes sides for justice against injustice. God does not take kindly to injustice and the perpetrators of injustice. “He has shown the might with His arm. He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and has exalted the lowly (Luke 1:46-55). A spirituality that recognizes the face of God in every human being is, therefore, inevitably marked by a bias towards justice for the poor and the oppressed. “One thing God requires of you is only this, to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God,” (Micah 6:8). This is the true essence of both Testaments. Christ still weeps over Jerusalem.
A Kairos is both the recognition of God’s will and the urgency of our response. It is in the awareness of a God of the Now, who is deeply involved in the human predicament. God keeps us steadfast in courage, hope and love as we continue to struggle and resist.
We pray and plead for a radical change of hearts, policies and practices of the Israeli government and those governments that support it. If this does not happen, we pray in trembling and hope if it is God’s will…. for these governments to fall.
Some non-negotiable: Occupation no more
In the light of the above and with our conviction that Palestine is in an ever deepening crisis, Kairos Palestine urgently calls us to move forward boldly and act radically by speaking out with courage, passion and determination. The time for words and diplomatic niceties, that obscure the reality, are over. We affirm the churches’ commitment to and contributions for decisive action since the Amman Call as well as in the creation and impact of the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF). Nevertheless, we will strengthen and increase our advocacy initiatives.
Therefore, we:
· Reject the silence of the church, lest we be accomplices in crimes against humanity, such as those of apartheid and persecution. It is imperative to speak up and cry with the oppressed in demanding justice.
· Refuse to be coerced into accepting financial assistance from any church or organisation that supports the Occupation.
· Challenge any church which, either directly or indirectly, invests in companies which support the occupation. As congregants of a church, we will be alert towards church policies and challenge unethical financial investment and spending practices.
· Call the Israeli occupation of Palestine a crime and sin. We reject any theological or political justification for the Occupation. We regard such theologies as defying the core of the Gospel.
· Reject any argument aimed at convincing Palestinians and the international community that the problems are caused by Muslims rather than the Occupation.
· Demand that churches take bold and courageous positions for justice against injustice. We are appalled at the spiritual and institutional cowardice that refuses to take an unequivocal stand for justice. Equally, victims and perpetrators cannot be put on equal footing in efforts to create illusions of balance.
· Confirm our obligation to resist the Occupation in faith, hope and love. We reject calls to cease advocating and practising BDS or any other form of non-violent civil resistance that will end the Occupation.
· Resist being party to any church or church-related organisation offering tours to the Holy Lands that do not include an encounter with local Palestinians and express our opposition to such initiatives. Alternative tourism groups are now available that Christians and others can avail themselves of.
· Demand that the Right of Return for all Palestinian refugees be enforced.
· Steadfastly uphold the principle of compassion toward the oppressor. We acknowledge and understand their experiences of oppression, fears and insecurities. Our demands are in the best interests for a better future for all involved.
In love, we rage against injustice and yet refuse to be destroyed by our anger.
Our vision: Call to act now
A shared vision of peace with justice inspires us to respond with committed action, at this critical moment. This vision must include affirming voices from the Jewish,,Muslim and other faith traditions that express hope for a pluralistic, democratic society here.
The tide is turning. The pain will pass soon if we act now. This calls for a collective willingness to take risks in the cause of justice.
Theology: One voice for justice
We commit ourselves to develop contextual biblical theologies and practices of resistance and liberation. We will unmask those theologies in our midst that are harbingers of death for Palestinians and the oppressed worldwide and which challenge traditional ways of doing theology.
Dismantling Israeli apartheid
We support and commit ourselves to the dismantling of Israeli apartheid, insist on the enforcement of international law and ensuring the fulfillment of legitimate demands of Palestinians. These demands include:
· People living side by side in justice and peace within pre-1967 borders;
· A shared Jerusalem including open access to all holy sites;
· The right of return for Palestinian refugees;
· An end to all settlement extensions and dismantling of the settlement system;
· Free access to water and sanitation;
· The breakdown of the apartheid wall.
We should not accept the argument that the fear of civil unrest between Israeli settlers and Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is a deterrent to achieving Palestinian freedom.
Prophetic communities that support Palestine
We commit to:
· Acknowledge that people at the community level are empowered as the primary theologians of a Kairos Consciousness.
· Develop effective south-north and south-south coalitions for prophetic action
· Agree that Kairos Palestine create a core group to facilitate these coalitions
[1] Relevant international laws include the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (adopted in 1973 and enacted in 1976); and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 7 (1)(h) & (j),and Article 2 (g) & (h) 0f 1998.
Boycott-Divestment-Sanction (BDS): Creative, non-violent resistance now
· We commit to engage in creative, non-violent resistance in response to the call from our Palestinian sisters and brothers to this end, including BDS.
· We will actively participate in and lend credibility to popular, non-violent resistance in Palestine, Israel and internationally, including giving effect to BDS
· We will oppose with appropriate means the policies of our governments that support the occupation.
Holy Lands Tourism and Pilgrimage
We will:
· Promote and participate in alternative tourism and Kairos pilgrimages in the Holy Lands for the purposes of spiritual nurturing, awareness-raising and advocacy.
· Insist that such tours be organized by or in partnership with Palestinian tour operators
· Utilize those travel agencies that follow “Come and See: A Call from Palestinian Christians for Ethical Tourism”2. We will challenge and boycott those that do not.
· Actively seek to enable targeted groups to travel to Israel-Palestine.
The Bethlehem Call for a here-we-stand, stand-with-us journey provides each one of us a joyous blessing and honor, difficult though the journey may be. We seize this opportune, Kairos moment with conviction and hope.
Palestinians and a world community have gathered: here in, breaking barriers between regions and cultures and building bridges of friendship and solidarity because we have a common dream to see a Palestine and a world free of all forms of injustice. We believe that each one of us was called to Bethlehem for a purpose.
“We are the ones we have been waiting for.” (Alice Walker)
A Franciscan benediction:
May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, at half truths and superficial relationships so that we may live deeply within our hearts. May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation. May God bless us with tears to share for those who suffer in pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and to turn their pain into joy. And may God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in this world so that we can do what others claim cannot be done. And may the blessing of the God of Abraham and Sarah, and Jesus born in Bethlehem of our sister Mary, and of the Holy Spirit, who broods over the world as a mother over her children, be upon us and remain with us always. Amen.
[1] Come and See: A Call from Palestinian Christians
A journey for peace with Justice
Guidelines for Christians Contemplating a Pilgrimage to the Holy Lan
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Canadian and Irish ships set to challenge Israel’s illegal blockade with Freedom Waves to Gaza

The Canadian ship Tahrir and the Irish ship Saoirse have successfully reached
international waters, marking the start of the Freedom Waves to Gaza campaign.
The boats are currently in the Mediterranean Sea, preparing to sail for Gaza
within a matter of hours.
“Flowing out of the Freedom Flotillas, the Freedom Waves to Gaza are now
underway,” says Canadian Boat to Gaza organizer Ehab Lotayef from on board
the Tahrir. Also on board in this citizen-to-citizen initiative are delegates
from Australia, the US, and Palestine. “We are now in international waters
and hope to reach the shores of Gaza in a matter of days. Among the significant
obstacles in our way are Israel’s military and the complicity of the Harper
government, but we have the wind of public opinion at our back and in our
sails, which strengthens our resolve and determination to challenge the illegal
blockade of Gaza’s 1.5 million inhabitants.”
“The fact that we have reached international waters is another victory for
the movement,” says Canadian Boat to Gaza organizer David Heap from on board
the Tahrir. “Despite economic blackmail, despite the outsourcing of the
blockade to Greece, despite being forcibly boarded by the Greek Coast Guard,
and despite Israel mobilizing a significant portion of its navy to stop us, we
are now even closer to reaching Gaza, breaking the blockade, and occupying the
“The Palestinians living in Gaza want solidarity not charity, and have made
it clear to the world that their primary demand is for freedom. While
humanitarian aid is helpful, Gazans are still prisoners with no freedom of
movement,” adds Lotayef. “Israel’s illegal blockade prevents not only
imports into Gaza, but exports as well. And the blockade prevents Palestinians
from moving freely between Gaza and the West Bank, in violation of fundamental
human rights.”
The Freedom Waves to Gaza initiative is a non-violent, civil society movement
to challenge the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Bios of delegates are available
here. There will also be various media outlets reporting on developments aboard
the Tahrir, including Al Jazeera and Democracy Now.
Restrictions at the eleventh hour by the port authorities have meant that only
one third of the assembled delegates and media have been allowed to embark.
Despite this latest challenge, the Tahrir and Saoirse will soon be at full
speed ahead toward Gaza.
“While the Tahrir will be delivering much-needed medicines, our primary aim
remains to help free Palestinians from the open-air prison known as Gaza,”
says Heap. “There’s a song from the civil rights movement with the chorus
of “we who believe in freedom cannot rest.” And we will keep challenging
the illegal blockade until Gaza and the rest of Palestine is free.”
For more information or to arrange an interview with a delegate on board the
English inquiries: Dylan Penner, Canadian Boat to Gaza, 613-859-6996
French inquiries: Denis Kosseim, Canadian Boat to Gaza, 514-923-5594
NOTE: Interviews with Tahrir delegates are possible in English, French, Spanish
and Arabic. , Twitter: @CanadaBoatGaza, #FreedomWaves, #Canada4Gaza
Pour diffusion immédiate
Le 2 novembre, 2011
Deux bateaux, l’un canadien et l’autre irlandais, naviguant sous la
bannière «Les vagues de libération pour Gaza», s’apprêtent à défier
Israël et son blocus illégal
Le bateau canadien, le Tahrir, et le bateau irlandais, le Saoirse, ont atteint
les eaux internationales, marquant ainsi le début de la campagne «Les vagues
de libération pour Gaza». Les bateaux sont présentement en mer
Méditerranée et mettront le cap sur Gaza dans les prochaines heures.
«Émanant des Flottilles de la libération, les vagues de libération pour
Gaza sont en train de se soulever» a dit, à bord du Tahrir, Ehab Lotayef,
membre du comité de direction du Bateau canadien pour Gaza. L’initiative
étant citoyenne, des délégués d’Australie, des États-Unis et de
Palestine sont aussi à bord. «Nous sommes maintenant en eaux internationales
et comptons atteindre les rives de Gaza d’ici quelques jours, dit Lotayef.
Parmi les obstacles importants sur notre route, il y a les Forces israéliennes
et la complicité du gouvernement Harper avec celles-ci, mais le vent de
l’opinion publique souffle dans nos voiles, ce qui nous motive encore plus à
contester le blocus illégal que subissent les 1.5 millions d’habitants de
A bord du Tahrir, David Heap, qui est aussi membre du comité de direction du
Bateau canadien pour Gaza, rajoute : «Le simple fait que nous ayons atteint
les eaux internationales est en soi une victoire pour le mouvement. Malgré le
chantage économique, malgré l’expansion du blocus jusqu’à la Grèce,
malgré avoir été arraisonnés de force par la garde côtière grecque, et
malgré une mobilisation importante de la marine israélienne pour nous
arrêter, nous sommes désormais près des rives de Gaza et de l’atteinte de
notre but : percer le blocus de Gaza, et occuper l’occupation.»
Lotayef précise que «les Palestiniens vivant à Gaza ne veulent pas de la
charité mais de la solidarité, et ils affirment sans équivoque au monde
entier que ce qu’ils veulent, c’est simplement d’être libres. L’aide
humanitaire est certes utile, mais les Gazaouis demeurent des prisonniers sans
liberté de mouvement. Par son blocus illégal de Gaza, Israël empêche non
seulement l’importation de biens vers Gaza, mais aussi l’exportation de
biens en provenance de Gaza. Et le blocus empêche les Palestiniens de circuler
librement entre Gaza et la Cisjordanie, en violation des droits humains
L’initiative des vagues de libération pour Gaza est un mouvement non-violent
de la société civile qui veut contester le blocus israélien de Gaza. La
biographie de chaque délégué est disponible ici. De nombreux médias
couvrent les développements à bord du Tahrir, dont Al Jazeera et Democracy
Des restrictions de dernière minute par les autorités portuaires nous
obligent à n’avoir à bord qu’un tiers des délégués et journalistes
prévus. Malgré tout, le Tahrir et la Saoirse, sous peu, se dirigeront à
vitesse grand V vers Gaza.
«Bien que le Tahrir apporte de l’aide médicale qui fait cruellement
défaut à Gaza, notre but principal est de libérer les Palestiniens de la
prison à ciel ouvert nommée Gaza», dit Heap. «Nous nous reconnaissons dans
les paroles d’une chanson du mouvement contre la ségrégation aux
États-Unis, le mouvement pour les droits civiques : «We who believe in
freedom cannot rest» (pas de repos pour nous, qui croyons à la liberté). Et
nous allons continuer à contester le blocus illégal jusqu’à ce que Gaza et
le reste de la Palestine soient libérés.»
Pour plus d’information ou pour organiser une entrevue avec les délégués
à bord du Tahrir :
En français: Denis Kosseim, Canadian Boat to Gaza, 514-923-5594
En anglais: Dylan Penner, Canadian Boat to Gaza, 613-859-6996
N.B. : entrevues avec délégués à bord du Tahrir sont possibles en
français, anglais, espagnol et arabe. , Twitter: @CanadaBoatGaza, #FreedomWaves, #Canada4Gaza
You have received this message from the Canadian Boat to Gaza.
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A Call for Actions

Palestine Justice Network (PJN) cosponsored by many popular resistance and civil society invites internationals to come visit occupied Palestine. Previously we hosted internationals to do exploratory and support missions to Palestine for example during Christmas 2010 and the attempt to arrive by the hundreds in July 2011. For the next few months and as we Palestinians struggle for freedom inside, we ask you as Internationals and Palestinians living abroad to join us on these dates and for these reasons:
December 24-January 1: Celebrate Christmas where it all started in Bethlehem. Our program includes visitation of religious sites, opportunities to meet and visit with native Palestinian Christians and Muslims, alternative tours of the areas and more.Focus is on the plight of the Palestinian cities of Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
March 30: Global march to Jerusalem. Palestinians and supports are encouraged to come and challenge restrictions and occupations. By sea, air, land people of good conscience will come to us to recognize Land Day and help us emphasize the centrality of Jerusalem and its plight under colonial occupation. Land day was commemorated since 1976 by Palestinians within and outside “the Green Line” who reject the Israeli efforts to separate us from our land. Visitors will be asked to help reclaim and rehabilitate fields and cisterns (to solve an acute water crisis caused by Israel’s theft of Palestinian natural resources).
Mid April: Welcome to Palestine (WTP) Campaign invites you to come visit us through Lydda (aka Ben Gurion) airport because that is the only airport for Internationals to use to arrive to Palestine. Tour Palestine at the height of the wild flower season and join us in a specific humanitarian project (details forthcoming).
May 15: Nakba Day last year was phenomenal with hundreds of Palestinians trying to return to their homes and lands were turned back at artificial apartheid borders and many were killed, injured, or jailed. This year we will be by the thousands and next year by the tens of thousands. Join us under the theme of “Refugee Rights are not negotiable.”
July 9: July 9 is the anniversary of the International Court of Justice Ruling on the illegality of the colonial settlements and the apartheid wall built on Palestinian land and also the anniversary of the Palestinian Civil Society Call to Action 2005. Join us under the banner of “End Apartheid”.
Collectively these actions help affirm solidarity with the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. Please email to let us know if you can come on any of these dates and so that we can update you of details about each trip
About us: The PJN mission is to build a global network of activists and organizations that work together in advocacy in order to support the goals set forth by the Palestinian Civil Society Call to Action 2005. Please visit to see previous activities and list of previous endorsers/sponsors.
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Two media and general interest items

1) The Olive tree destruction in Al-Walaja continues and so do arrest of peace activists
2) Press Release: By Boat, by Air.. by Bike: UK activists pedal to Palestine
We (5 Israelis and two Palestinians) were roughed up by Israeli apartheid soldiers then abducted while witnessing the destruction of the land of Al-Walaja. In my case, the officer recognized me and came straight at me pushing me to the ground, kicking me then asking his soldiers to take me away. Shireen was taken later by the invading fascist soldiers in the village. It hurts so much to see how slowly the old trees are being uprooted to build a wall on village land that will separate the villagers from tehir agricultural fields. In this case, trees and An agricultural road (built with European funding) were being destroyed in the village. The oldest tree in the Bethlehem district, an olive tree that is perhaps 3-4,000 year old is also in the path of the apartheid wall. The Israeli soldiers working as subcontractors for land thieves and racists also raided the freedom theater in Jenin (founded by our friend and martyr Juliano Mer-Khamis) and abducted some of the workers there. We ask everyone to write to politicians, media, and others to alert them of these persistent violations of basic human rights. We must intensify pressure via boycotts, divestments, and sanctions.
Stories about the abductions yesterday in Al-Walaja
Videos from Al-Walaja yesterday

Events last time in Al-Walaja
On Nakba day May 15, 2011
and on Naksa day June 5th
Contact: John O’Shea 05471 89531 / 05957 73608
Thursday 28th July 2011
Media Opportunity: 12 noon Friday 29th July 2011. Village of Bil’in, West Bank.
PRESS RELEASE: By Boat, by Air.. by Bike: UK activists pedal to Palestine
A group of UK activists has arrived in the occupied West Bank after cycling 7,000km from London to support Palestinian and Israeli popular resistance movements.
The bicycle convoy will meet the Bil’in popular committee (1) this Friday to join the demonstrations against Israel’s illegal separation wall and occupation of Palestinian land (2). The group has been exchanging seeds with communities along their route and is working with Palestinian farmers to pass on the ‘seedbank of solidarity’.(3)
Abdullah Abu Rahma of the Bil’in popular committee who invited PEDAL said: “By Palestinians, Israelis and internationals standing in solidarity and taking grassroots action- we can end Israel’s illegal occupation.”
‘PEDAL – 100 days to Palestine’ (4) have traversed 18 countries (5) linking communities fighting social injustice and responding to the Palestinian civil society call for Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions in 2005 (6).
The group of food growers, journalists and community workers has taken part in BDS international days of action (7) and ran educational workshops about the campaign.
British food grower William Ronan added: “ We are working with the BDS movement, popular committees and dissenting Israeli organisations to challenge Israel’s illegal actions. This way we can actively support the Palestinian struggle for equal rights in the face of apartheid, colonization and occupation.”
The cyclists began organising the solidarity journey after Israeli commandos killed nine people in the storming of a Gaza aid boat in international waters last year. (8)
With the Freedom Flotilla 2 (9) and the Welcome to Palestine “Fly-in” (10) actions in recent weeks- the cyclists’ arrival adds to mounting pressure from global civil society for Israel to comply with international law and Palestinian rights.
PEDALler Jen Peachey said: “We have seen governments around the world actively colluding with Israel’s illegal occupation and blockade of Gaza- whether its through US military aid, UK diplomatic silence or Greek coast guards blocking the Flotilla. Where states fail ordinary people will stand up.”
Media opportunity: Friday 29th July 2011 12 noon. Village of Bil’in, West Bank.
12 noon- Interviews with PEDAL (Arabic contact: Abdullah Abu Rahma 05991070769)
1pm- PEDAL joins popular demonstration in Bil’in as invited by popular committee
Notes to editors:
(2) International court of justice ruling. July 2004.…
(5) UK, France, Belgium, Luxemberg, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Palestine
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
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“Obviously the Israelis didn’t expect people like us”

Demonstration per Air Ticket: “Fly in” activists were quickly deported. A conversation with Elke Zwinge-Makamizile
Interview: Gitta Düperthal
Elke Zwinge-Makamizile is a member of the German Peace Council as well as The International League for Human Rights. She took part in the protest action “fly in” to Palestine.
Last Friday hundreds of activists attempted to travel to Palestine via Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. Only a few dozen (correction! It was approx. 124 that arrived in Bethlehem) managed to do so. You are one of those deported on Sunday. How did the Israeli authorities treat you?
It already began on Friday in Frankfurt/Main: as the plane was to start on time at 11 am, it suddenly braked sharply. After hours we were unloaded onto another machine and we were only able to take off around 5 pm – apparently due to an uneven surface area on the runway! Whoever wishes to believe this can do so; I rather believe this was to give the Israeli authorities time. Therefore we landed in Ben-Gurion Aiport at 11 pm, where they immediately took away our passports. The Israeli security officials seemed to know exactly who belonged to our group.
We had been invited by the Palestinian Peace Movements and there was a program prepared for us. The day of July 9th was chosen because this day in 2004 the International Court of Justice in the Hague declared the construction of the Wall on Palestinian Territories to be illegal. Amongst other activities, we were to visit the “Freedom Theatre”, to take part in the symbolic planting of olive trees and to visit a refugee camp. Instead we were forced to spend hours in detention rooms at the airport until we were taken in the early morning on Saturday to a prison van, in which other activists had already been sitting for four and a half hours. 23 women were inside and 16 men were penned in the other area of the same van. Around 35 security officials, whom we could see through the barred windows, stood outside. To pass the time we began to sing, upon which they threatened to use tear gas on us.
Where were you taken?
We were brought to the Beersheva Ela-Prison in the middle of the Negev Desert, where we were kept from Saturday morning until Sunday midday in a kind of luxury prison – not one of those prisons in which, according to Amnesty International, torture takes place. At our request consular officials of the countries from which the activists originate visited us; that was France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany. They noted our names and asked whether anyone should be notified. The Israelis were obviously at pains to ensure that no one would have reason to complain about their treatment there. Nevertheless we were under surveillance by video cameras the entire time.
How did the security officials react to you?
We used every opportunity to explain to them that we wished to make a contribution to easing the isolation of the Palestinians – the next step should be that Palestine must be recognized as a State and receive membership in the United Nations, to be voted upon in September. They did not comment on our views but my impression was: some of them seemed to understand and did not show animosity towards us. They obviously had not been expecting people like us after the unbelievable propaganda campaign that Israeli officials started against us.
Israel’s Home Secretary Yitzhak Aharanovich, for example, described us as “extremists and hooligans”, intending to disrupt public order. On the internet page we were even denounced as potential lawbreakers.
The ships of the second Gaza-Flotilla have been detained in Greece since days and many “Fly In” demonstrators couldn’t reach their destination – the Israelis compelled international airlines to refuse to even carry certain passengers. How do you feel about the success of this action?
We used the situation to make the media aware of how bad the human rights situation is in West Jordan and in Gaza. Through this sharp and totally exaggerated reaction by Israel it has become evident to many people all over the world what the government is prepared to do to isolate the people of Palestine.
(Original in German:
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Invitation to Concluding Press Conference from the “Welcome to Palestine” Campaign

Invitation to Concluding Press Conference from the “Welcome to Palestine” Campaign
12 pm (noon) on Monday, July 18th, Alternative Information Center (AIC), Queen Shlomzion Street 4, Jerusalem
In response to a Palestinian invitation, hundreds of international visitors reserved flights to Ben Gurion airport for July 8th. The Israeli government did everything in its power to stop them, including pressuring seven commercial European airline companies into abruptly canceling a huge number of the flight reservations.
The Israeli authorities detained and then deported en masse those who did arrive in Tel Aviv. Only a few dozen international guests were finally able to come to Palestine and only after overcoming many obstacles: for example, Vivienne Prozsolt from Australia, who was with the Freedom Flotilla II, flew from Athens, was detained, but unexpectedly prevailed in her court appeal against the deportation. The international guests who did get through to us participated in a week of fellowship and solidarity from July 8th until July 16th.
The organizers of “Welcome to Palestine” invite you to a press conference to review our accomplishments, despite the massive Israeli government obstructions, and to discuss future directions for international solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Speakers in Jerusalem:
- Lubna Masarwa, leading organizer who worked with both the flotilla to Gaza and with “Welcome to Palestine”
- Vivienne Prozsolt, of Sidney, Australia, a member of Jews against the Occupation and international guest of “Welcome to Palestine”
- Shireen Al-Araj, activist from Al-Walaja, who organized and accompanied the visitors who were with us in Palestine July 8th-16th
- Sergio Yahni, media coordinator at Alternative Information Center
Speakers available via Skype-Video:
- Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, of Beit Sahour near Bethlehem, professor of genetics and author, and co-organizer of “Welcome to Palestine”
- International organizers of “Welcome to Palestine,” including, among others, Elsa Rassbach of Germany and Karin Pally of USA
“This was not the first or the last project we, civil society in Palestine, do to shed light on the illegality of occupation and colonization,” says Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh of Bethlehem, a leading organizer of the initiative. “More and more people are becoming aware, and our next projects will build on this momentum until Palestine is free.”
Laura Durkay of New York, who was detained at Ben Gurion airport on July 8th and then jailed and deported says: “Everyone I have spoken to has come back to their home countries more determined than ever to continue the struggle for Palestinian freedom and equal rights.”
Media Contacts:
JERUSALEM: Sergio Yahni,, +972(0)526375032
BETHLEHEM: Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh,, +972(0)598939532 (English and Arabic), and Fadi Kattan (French) +970 (0) 595 754 100
FRANCE: Nicolas Shahshahani, +33(0)1 42 94 39 94 and +33(0)673 38 24 84
GERMANY: Sophia Deeg,, +49(0)88 007761,+49(0)1799878414 and Elsa Rassbach (contact information below)
UK: Sofiah MacLeod,,+44(0)7931 200 36100,+44(0)131 620 0052
USA: Karin Pally, or, +1 310-399-1921
INTERNATIONAL Media Coordinator: Elsa Rassbach,, +49 (0) 30 326 01540 or +49 (0) 170 738 1450 Skype: elsarassbach
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Challenging Deportation Orders

Press Release 6
“Welcome to Palestine” – Court Challenges of the Deportation Orders Today and Tomorrow
Bethlehem and Jerusalem, July 13, 2011. Court dates have been set for today at noon and tomorrow at 9 am for the court challenges of “Welcome to Palestine” participants against the deportation orders of the Israeli government that they and their attorneys consider illegal. The hearings will take place at the Central District Courthouse in Petah Tikva.
The hearing at noon today concerns two Australians who flew yesterday from Athens to Ben Gurion airport to join the “Welcome to Palestine”: Sylvia Hale, a retired member of the NSW Parliament, and Vivienne Porzsolt, a member of Jews against the Occupation, both 69 years old had, been aboard the Flotilla II Free Gaza ship, the “MV Tahrir,” which the Greek government prevented from sailing to Gaza. Other members of Flotilla II have decided to come visit Palestine and contacted the “Welcome to Palestine” campaign. “We are now inundated with requests to visit Palestine which is the opposite of what the Israeli authorities had tried to do by their brutal denial of travel to a few hundred activists” said Mazin Qumsiyeh, one of the organizers and the campaign’s local media spokesperson.
Tomorrow at 9 am Angelica Seyfrid of Berlin, Germany, will challenge deportation orders. Ms. Seyfrid, an artist and translator, worked for many weeks to raise money for travel costs so that unemployed persons and students in Germany could join “Welcome to Palestine.” On July 8th, Ms. Seyfrid flew from Berlin to Tel Aviv together with other members of the German and Austrian delegation and with members of the French and Belgian delegations of “Welcome to Palestine.” All were immediately detained in Ben Gurion airport, and most were deported without opportunity of legal consultation. Members of the German and Austrian delegation were deported on Sunday, July 10th, via Lufthansa Airlines, and on Monday, July 11th, via Australian Airlines. According the German Embassy in Tel Aviv, the Israeli authorities denied access the attorneys seeking to represent the incarcerated Germans.
“Israel denied the entry of Noam Chomsky because he wanted to have a talk with students from Nablus,” said Attorney Omer Shatz. “Israel denied the entry of Ivan Prado the famous clown just because he wished to make Ramahalla’s kids happy. Israel denied entry to anyone who wants to visit Palestine. Such a regime that doesn’t let people to visit millions of Palestinians living under oppressing military occupation for 44 years now.”
“Our hearts go out to Angelica, and we fully support her courageous refusal to accept the illegal Israeli deportation orders,” said Elsa Rassbach, a US citizen living in Berlin and member of CODEPINK and the German section of the War Resistors International, who helped organize the German delegation and is coordinating the international media for the initiative from Berlin. Together with members of the French and UK delegations to “Welcome to Palestine,” Ms. Rassbach visited Palestine during an earlier campaign of support during Christmas last year. However, the French activist, Olivia Zémor, was denied entry and deported shortly before Christmas last year.
While Israel succeeded in preventing hundreds of people from entering Palestine, many others did enter specifically to join this week’s program of activities. Israeli forces have incarcerated at least two of them, including a young man from Belgium who participated in yesterday’s peaceful attempt to enter Palestinian village lands of Beit Ommar (now made off-limits because of Israeli colonial activities). Israelis also decided to join our activities, and several were also arrested.
“The local organizers of the “Welcome to Palestine” campaign, while sad about our continuing isolation from the International community, are pleased that this episode and brutal Israeli assault removes one of the last illusions about “Israeli Democracy,” said Dr. Qumsiyeh.
Media Contacts:
JERUSALEM: Sergio Yahni,, +972(0)526375032
BETHLEHEM: Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh,, +972(0)598939532
FRANCE: Nicolas Shahshahani, +33 (0)1 42 94 39 94 and +33 (0) 6 73 38 24 84
GERMANY: Sophia Deeg,, +49(0)88 007761,+49(0)1799878414
UK: Sofiah MacLeod,,+44(0)7931 200 36100,+44(0)131 620 0052
USA: Karin Pally, or, +1 310-399-1921
INTERNATIONAL Media Coordination: Elsa Rassbach,, +49 (0) 30 326 01540 or +49 (0) 170 738 1450 Skype: elsarassbach
Please stay informed through our websites:

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