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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Stunning Photos Collection, Beach Freehand Drawings By Jim Denevan

Here are a collection of pictures with stunning beach drawings. These drawings are made in the beach sands, which make the beach so beautiful. These artists who make these drawings are really talented.

I saw multiple drawings for the artist Jim Denevan . I'm never thought that we can draw in the sands like this way. I've read about this type of drawings and I'm released that this type didn't require any special tools it requires just a vision and patience.

Denevan is a a talented artist. You may think that his drawings are simple, but when trying to do something like these you will release that it needs a talented vision for choosing the perfect space on the beach and a soft hands with more  patience to draw a large scale drawings. Just  try in your next  trip to the beach.


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