Kim Jong-un’s uncle was killed after being stripped naked and fed to a pack of hungry dogs, according to reports in a Chinese state-backed newspaper.
الزعيم الكوري يضع زوج عمته عارياً في قفص لتنهشه الكلاب
كشفت صحيفة صينية أمس، أن الزعيم الكوري الشمالي كيم جونغ أون، قام بتصفية زوج عمته الشهر الماضي بطريقة من زمن العصور الوسطى، لكنها الآن مبتكرة، حيث جردوه عارياً بالكامل من ملابسه مع 5 آخرين تم الحكم عليهم بالإعدام مثله، ثم زجوا بهم في قفص كبير، كانت تنتظرهم فيه مجموعة كلاب برية تم تجويعها مسبقاً، وانتهشتهم في مشهد دموي.
روت صحيفة "Wen Wei Po" الناطقة من هونغ كونغ رسمياً باسم الحكومة الصينية، أن تجويع الكلاب وكان عددها 120 من النوع البري الناهش، تم طوال 3 أيام، ونهشها لضحاياها استمر ساعة أتت فيها عليهم جميعاً، وهو ما يسمّونه "العقاب المذل بالكلاب" للمحكوم عليهم بالإعدام.
وأوردت الصحيفة أن الزعيم الكوري الشمالي نفسه أشرف على تصفية "زوج عمته" تشانغ سونغ - ثايك، وراح ينظر إليهم والكلاب تهاجمهم ومعه كان 300 من كبار المسؤولين مدنيين وعسكريين، في تحذير عملي وواضح لمن تسول له نفسه خيانته.
وكان ثايك الرجل الثاني في النظام قبل أن يعتقلوه و5 من مساعديه بتهم عدة، "أهمها الخيانة العظمى، وعدم التصفيق بحماسة في الاجتماعات الرسمية " إلى جانب قيامه بدسائس ضد الحزب، إلا أن نشر تفاصيل عقابه لعمه في تلك الصحيفة بالذات "إشارة قوية إلى أن السلطات الصينية بدأت تفقد صبرها ويضيق صدرها مع جارها المشاكس"، وفقاً لصحيفة "ستريتس تايمز" الماليزية.
North Korea has already described Jang Song Thaek as “despicable human scum, worse than a dog,” but the report, which appears in Hong Kong’s Wen Wei Po newspaper, suggests he may have met his end in the jaws of dogs.
The account - which cannot be verified - describes how Jang Song Thaek and five of his aides were stripped naked and fed to 120 hungry hounds, who had been starved for three days. The whole process lasted is reported to have lasted an hour, and as they were eaten, hundreds of officials watched.
The Singaporean Straits Times claims that the brutal account listed alongside a number of other criticisms in the report shows how Beijing is displeased with the changing regime, but currently there is no consistent editorial line in Chinese state media. The method of execution by dogs has also not been confirmed by North Korea.
Previously it had been reported that a number of Jang Song Thaek’s aides were executed with anti-aircraft machine guns.
Aidan Foster-Carter, a senior research fellow in Sociology and Modern Korea at Leeds University, told The Independent: “I put no cruelty past the North Korean regime, but it does sound extreme even for them. In the recent past, they did have an effigy of the South Korean president mauled by dogs.
“However the killing of Jang Song Thaek has been an episode of state terrorism and the fact they did purge him and it was done so publicly shows that the military and Kim Jong-un is trying to warn people not to revolt and how savage punishments can been.
“Although China clearly allows its media and social media to be ruder than in the past this doesn’t mean they are going to stop supporting North Korea.”
Kim Jong-un described the execution of his 67-year-old uncle as the removal of “factionalist filth”, in his New Year message, adding that his purge left North Korea in a much stronger position.
Jang Song Thaek was a key member of North Korea's first family, a man widely seen as regent to leader Kim Jong-un, In all, at least eight people from Jang's circle were executed in the purge - alongside the director himself.
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