شهدت الصين ولادة خنزير بأنف فيل ودون فم نتيجة لعلاقة جنسية شاذة بين خنزير وفيل.
و الخنزير توفى بعد ساعتين من ولادته، أول الشهر الجاري، في مقاطعة جيلين شمال شرق الصين، موضحًا أنه ولد دون فم.
واضطر المسئولون إلى الاحتفاظ بجثة الخنزير في الثلاجة لتشريحها ودراستها في وقت لاحق.

Some people may be familiar with the South Park episode "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig." Rest assured that this unfortunate creature had nothing to do with that.
From the looks of its long snout, one might get the impression that this piglet is part elephant, but it isn't. The peculiar pig was born from a 550-pound sow earlier this month in Northeastern China. Sadly, the piglet was born without a mouth, and died about two hours after it was born.
Photos from October 17 show the carcass of the piglet, which was frozen in order to preserve it.
A frozen dead pig which looks like an elephant is seen on October 17, 2014 in Jilin, Jilin province of China. A sow with a weight of over 250 kg gave birth to a pig that looks like an elephant in Longtan District, in China's northeast Jilin province. The newborn had no mouth and died after two hours.
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