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Monday, November 30, 2015

عاجل : مصر ترد على تصريحات إثيوبية تقول إن مصر ضعيفة ولا تستطيع دخول حرب

رد مصري على تصريحات إثيوبية تقول إن مصر ضعيفة ولا تستطيع دخول حرب..

خرجت مصر برد على تصريحات منسوبة لوزير الخارجية الإثيوبي قال فيها:

"إن مصر لن تتمكن من الدخول في حرب مع بلاده في ظل ضعفها الحالي"

وذلك على خلفية أزمة سد النهضة  ... كيف ردت مصر؟

رداً على وزير خارجية إثيوبيا.. "المجلس العربى الأفريقى": مصر تمتلك جميع الاختيارات لحل أزمة سد النهضة

رداً على وزير خارجية إثيوبيا.. "المجلس العربى الأفريقى": مصر تمتلك جميع الاختيارات لحل أزمة سد النهضة

قال المستشار بلال النمس نائب السفير محمد العرابى الأمين العام للمجلس العربى الأفريقي، إن مصر تمتلك جميع الحلول لانهاء أزمة سد النهضة والاختيارات متاحة بما فيها القرار العسكرى الذى يحافظ على الأمن المائى لمصر ولكن دائما ما نبدأ بالسلام أولا ولاندخل فى قرارات مصيرية، إلا اذا كانت مدروسة بشكل جيد للغاية.

وأفاد بأن "القوة العسكرية المصرية والجيش المصرى قادرا وبكل قوة على ردع كل من تسول له نفسه العبث بأمن ومقدرات مصر وأمنها القومى وشعبها أيا كان وبأى مكان مهما كان حجمه أو قوته وتلك سمات خير أجناد الأرض الذى بذلوا دماؤهم ومازالو يضحون بأرواحهم بالعديد من الحروب التى سطروا بها أقوى ملاحم النضال والبسالة ولا يعرفون الخوف أو كلمة مستحيل فداء لأرض مصر مهد الأديان والحضارات جيلا بعد جيل وقرار الحرب من أسهل مما يتخيل البعض بالنسبة لنا لكن جرى العرف على التروى والحكمة فى قرارات إستخدام القوة العسكرية المصرية وإستخدام كافة القنوات الشرعية ولجان التحكيم الدولية أولا".

وأضاف نائب الأمين العام للمجلس العربى الأفريقي، في بيان صحفي صادر عن المجلس، مساء اليوم، أن وزير الخارجية الإثيوبي تيدروس أدهانو قد خانه التوفيق تماما عندما قال لوسائل الإعلام الإثيوبية، "مصر أضعف من أن تدخل في حرب مع إثيوبيا فصراعاتها الداخلية وفقرها الاقتصادي والإرهاب في سيناء هي أولويات حروبها، أما سد النهضة فالجانب المصري يعلم تمامًا أنه وافق على كافة الاتفاقيات الخاصة بسد النهضة لكنه يظهر عكس ذلك خلال وسائل الإعلام الخاصة بالمصريين".

وأكد النمس على أن الشعب الإثيوبى، مطالب بالضغط على حكومته حتى لا يتم تصعيد الموقف بين مصر وإثيوبيا وسيكون الجانب الأثيوبى هو الخاسر فى النهاية.

وأوضح النمس أن أثيوبيا مطالبة بإصدار بيان رسمى من رئاسة الوزراء لديها توضح خلاله حقيقة هذه التصريحات سواء بالنفى أو التأكيد مشيرا إلى أنه لا يتوقع ذلك خاصة أن مصر تدرس القرارين التحكيم الدولي وهذا ترفضه إثيوبيا والقرار العسكرى الذى ترغب من خلاله فى توريط مصر فى حرب مما يزيد منطقة الشرق الأوسط اشتعالا فى ظل الأحداث الحالية.

وأشاد النمس بالرؤية الدبلوماسية للسفير سامح شكرى وزير الخارجية، عندما قال "إن وجود حالة من التوتر بين الجانبين المصري والإثيوبي، بشأن سد النهضة، لن تفيد الطرفين في شيء، وستؤدي إلى جمود العلاقات كما كانت علية من قبل وأن مصر لديها أوراق ضغط تستطيع استخدامها ضد حكومة أديس أبابا، وسيكون هناك وقفة لتحليل الأمور من الناحيتين السياسية والفنية، بهدف الوصول إلى تفاهم يحفظ مصالح جميع الأطراف".

وأوضح النمس أن الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى يمتلك من الحكمة والقدرة على اتخاذ القرار السليم فى صالح مصر تمام فى ظل المؤامرات العالمية التى يتم التخطيط لها ضد مصر.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Exclusive In Photos: Rallies without marchers in Paris ahead of climate summit


A woman holds a banner as hundreds of pairs of shoes are displayed at the place de la Republique, in Paris, as part of a symbolic and peaceful rally called by the NGO Avaaz "Paris sets off for climate", Sunday, Nov. 29, 2015

Tens of thousands of people joined one of the biggest global days of climate change activism on Sunday, from Sydney to Berlin, to put pressure on world leaders to unite in fighting global warming at a summit in Paris.

About 20,000 pairs of shoes were laid out in the Place de la Republique in the French capital, from high-heels to boots, to symbolize absent marchers after attacks by Islamic State militants killed 130 people on Nov. 13 and led France to ban a protest that was meant to be at the heart of the global action.

Organizers said the Vatican sent a pair of shoes on behalf of Pope Francis. One activist, dressed in white as an angel with large wings, held a sign saying "coal kills".

A message saying 'Walk for the earth' is seen on a pair of shoes, as hundreds of pairs of shoes are displayed at the place de la Republique, in Paris, as part of a symbolic and peaceful rally called by the NGO Avaaz "Paris sets off for climate"

A pair of shoes, displaying the colors of the French flag, are symbolically placed on the Place de la Republique, after the cancellation of a planned climate march following shootings in the French capital, ahead of the World Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP21), in Paris, France

A woman holds a banner as hundreds of pairs of shoes are displayed at the place de la Republique, in Paris, as part of a symbolic and peaceful rally called by the NGO Avaaz "Paris sets off for climate"

A banner which reads "Global Climate March" is displayed in front of pairs of shoes symbolically placed on the Place de la Republique, after the cancellation of a planned climate march following shootings in the French capital, ahead of the World Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP21), in Paris, France

Pope Francis' shoes are seen in the middle of hundreds of pairs of shoes displayed at the place de la Republique, in Paris, as part of a symbolic and peaceful rally called by the NGO Avaaz "Paris sets off for climate"

Women dressed as angels holds signs at the Place de la Repubique where hundreds of pairs of shoes were places earlier, on November 19, 2015 

Women dressed as angels holds signs at the Place de la Repubique where hundreds of pairs of shoes were places earlier, on November 19, 2015 

A man walks between shoes as hundreds of pairs of shoes are displayed at the place de la Republique, in Paris, as part of a symbolic and peaceful rally called by the NGO Avaaz "Paris sets off for climate"

The president of the Diyarbakır Bar Human Rights Association in Turkey assassinated

Pro Kurdish lawyer Tahir Elci shot dead in Turkey

Pro-Kurdish lawyer Tahir Elci shot dead in Turkey

Top human rights lawyer shot dead in Turkey's restive south-east

Tahir Elçi was killed as he was calling for an end to violence in Kurdish majority city of Diyarbakir, sparking protests in cities across the country

After Tahir Elci was killed, a gun battle erupted between police and unidentified gunmen - Mark Lowen reports.

A leading human rights lawyer was shot dead in Turkey’s restive southeast on Saturday as he was calling for a halt to violence in the Kurdish-majority city of Diyarbakir.

Tahir Elçi, head of the local bar association, died from a single gunshot wound in the head after attackers opened fire on a press conference. The assailants have yet to be identified.

The killing sparked protests in Istanbul, Ankara and Diyarbakir. In central Istanbul, police fired tear gas and water cannons at angry marchers who shouted "You can't kill us all", and "The state has to give an account."

Police also clashed with demonstrators in Diyarbakir, an AFP photographer said.

A prominent pro-Kurdish lawyer and rights activist has been shot dead in Diyarbakir, south-eastern Turkey.28-11-2015

Tahir Elci was killed in a gun battle between police and unidentified gunmen. Two police officers also died.

He had been making a statement calling for an end to violence between the Turkish state and the Kurdish rebel group the PKK when he was shot dead.

In his last words recorded by journalists at the meeting, Elçi said: “We do not want guns, clashes or operations here,” condemning the damage recent fighting had caused to Diyarbakir’s historic Sur neighbourhood. The bar association has called his killing an “assassination”.

A policeman was also killed in the attack. Three officers and several reporters were wounded in the ensuing shootout.

"The moment the statement ended, the crowd was sprayed with bullets," a local official from the pro-Kurdish HDP party, Omer Tastan, told Reuters. "A single bullet struck Elçi in the head.”

A prosecutor and his team later came under fire as they went to examine the crime scene. The prosecutor and two officers were reportedly injured in the attack.

Police in Istanbul fired water cannon to disperse crowds demonstrating against Mr Elci's death.

A curfew has now been imposed in the neighbourhood where Mr Elci was shot.

Mr Elci, who was head of the Diyarbakir Bar Association, had previously been detained and received death threats after saying the separatist PKK should not be regarded as a terrorist 

In July violence resumed in the conflict between the army and the PKK after a ceasefire collapsed. 

Dozens have been killed in violent clashes since.
Mr Elci had been calling on both sides to pull back from the conflict

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The UK’s ambassador to Turkey, Richard Moore, wrote on Twitter: “Shocked and depressed by the murder of my friend Tahir Elçi. A good and brave man cut down. A human rights defender over many decades.”

Elçi, a prominent Kurdish lawyer, was detained last month for “terrorist propaganda” after he said in a television interview that the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) was not a terrorist organisation. He was awaiting trail, facing a seven-year jail sentence.

Last Sunday, the HDP said party leader Selahattin Demirtas escaped an assassination attempt when a bullet hit his car.

Violence in southeastern Turkey has surged after the three-decade conflict between the Turkish state and the PKK resumed in July, killing hundreds of soldiers, civilians and militants since. The PKK is designated as a terrorist group by Turkey, the European Union and the United States.

Elçi, who said he received numerous death threats after his television appearance, was known to criticise violent actions of both the PKK and the security forces.

He also represented two British journalists from VICE News who were detained in Diyarbakir in August, and had continued to represent their fixer Mohammed Ismail Rasool, who remains in a Turkish prison.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, confirming Elçi’s death in a speech in the western town of Balikesir, said: “This incident shows how right Turkey is in its determination to fight against terrorism.”

Media captionRiot police deployed water cannon and tear gas to drive back protesters
"We do not want guns, clashes and operations here", Mr Elci was saying before being shot.
"The moment the statement ended, the crowd was sprayed with bullets," a local official from the pro-Kurdish HDP party, Omer Tastan, told Reuters.
The US embassy in Ankara said it was "shocked" at Mr Elci's "tragic death", calling him a "a courageous defender of human rights".

The incident sparked instant protests in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Diyarbakir.

A crowd on Istanbul's central Istiklal Street chanted "We are all Tahir Elci" and "You can't kill us all," accusing the state of complicity in the attack.

Government supporters said Mr Elci was killed in a PKK attack while opponents blamed Turkish nationalists, talking of a "planned assassination", says the BBC's Mark Lowen in Turkey.

"The state has to give an account," shouted protestors in Istanbul on Saturday

A Turkish government official said in a written statement: "We are determined to shed light on today's fatal incident in Diyarbakir. An official investigation has been launched and we have assigned four inspectors to this case".

"At this time, we believe that Mr Elci may have been caught in the crossfire but we aren't ruling out the possibility that a third party directly targeted him."President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the incident justified the state's "fight against terrorism".

In the aftermath of the shootout, authorities imposed a curfew on the Sur district, where Elçi was killed. A similar police operation in October led to the deaths of several civilians, including a 12-year-old girl.

Elçi opposed the state’s curfews and was pushing for an investigation into the deaths. “After all,” he told in an interview last month, “if there is no justice, there cannot be peace.”

بيان عاجل لوزارة الداخلية المصرية للمواطنين

تؤكد وزارة الداخلية أنه لا تهاون مع أى تجاوزات فردية تقع من بعض رجال الشرطة ولا تعبر بأى حال من الأحوال عن طبيعة العمل الوطنى الذى يقوم به رجال الشرطة..

وأن العقيدة الراسخة فى وجدانهم هى التضحية بالغالى والنفيس دفاعاً عن أمن الوطن والمواطنين والإلتزام بإحترام نصوص وروح القانون فى كافة المهام الموكلة لهم والمحافظة على الكرامة الإنسانية وإحترام القيم الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان وفقاً للدستور والقانون.

ولن تسمح وزارة الداخلية لبعض التصرفات والأفعال الفردية بأن تنال من التاريخ العريض للشرطة المصرية فى العمل الوطنى وتضحيات رجالها الأبطال فى مواجهة الإرهاب الذين قدموا ومازالوا فى سبيل القضاء عليه الآلاف من المصابين والمئات من الشهداء جادو بدمائهم الذكية حتى يأمن الجميع.

وستظل وزارة الداخلية محافظة على ثقة الشعب المصرى العظيم فى شرطته، وستحافظ عليها والتى تُعد بمثابة الدافع لرجال الشرطة لأداء رسالتهم فى تحقيق الأمن والأمان.

وتؤكد الوزارة أن كافة الوقائع المنسوبة لبعض رجال الشرطة هى محل تحقيقات بالوزارة والنيابة العامة وسوف تُعلن نتائج التحقيقات بشفافية على الرأى العام، وأن الوزارة ملتزمة بتنفيذ القانون وتطبيق القرارات والأحكام القضائية على الجميع دون إستثناء حرصاً من الوزارة على مبدأ سيادة القانون.

إن رجال الشرطة عازمون دوماً على التمسك بالقيم المهنية والأخلاقية والتفانى فى إنجاز رسالتهم الوطنيه مهما كانت التحديات ومهما بلغت التضحيات، مدركين لما يحيط بالوطن من مخاطر.

#عاجل : #السيسى يصدر قرارا بأيقاف اى #ضابط يقوم بأنتهاك حقوق المواطنين

أصدر الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى رئيس الجمهورية قرار للسيد اللواء مجدى عبد الغفار وزير الداخلية بإيقاف أى ضابط عن العمل واتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية اللازمة لكل من يقوم بانتهاك حقوق المواطنين .

جديرا بالذكر أن النيابة العامة قد أمرت بحبس ضابط الشرطه المتهم في واقعه قتل الطبيب لمدة ٤ أيام علي ذمه التحقيق .

وطلب الرئيس إرسال تقرير من نتائج التحقيقات حول تلك المخالفات الفردية من أفراد ينتمون للمنظمومة الأمنية المنوط بها حماية المواطنين وحسن معاملتهم وليس التنكيل بهم أو الإضرار بمصالحهم دون وجه حق حيث أن الثورة لم تنادى إلا برعاية المواطنين وعدم إنتهاك القانون بأى صورة..

كما طلب الرئيس بالإطلاع على نتائج التحقيقات وأن ترسل إليه أولا بأول ..

Renzi regala 281 milioni di euro alla Turchia “per i profughi” e l’Italia fa la fame

Renzi regala

L’Italia dovrà contribuire con oltre 281 milioni di euro ai 2,5 miliardi di aiuti che l’Ue si è impegnata a dare per i rifugiati in Turchia attraverso gli stanziamenti dei Paesi membri. Lo si legge in un documento della Commissione europea. L’Italia è il quarto contributore con una quota dell’11,25% alle spalle di Germania, Gb e Francia.

Il contributo è stato calcolato in base alla formula del Reddito nazionale lordo. Il contributo più alto spetta alla Germania con oltre 534 milioni, il 21,38%; segue il Regno Unito con 409,5 milioni, il 16,38%; la Francia con 386,5 milioni, il 15,46%; l’Italia 281,1 milioni, 11,25%. Consistenti anche i contributi di Spagna 191 milioni, 7,64% e Olanda 117,3 milioni. Le cifre sono contenute nell’annesso alla decisione adottata dal collegio dei commissari Ue.

Oltre ai 2,5 miliardi che dovranno essere stanziati dagli Stati membri, la Commissione europea aggiungerà 500 milioni dal budget europeo per il 2016 e 2017, per arrivare alla cifra totale di tre miliardi.

People Went To The Hospital After These Pictures Were Taken

If you are ever trying to catch an epic stunt on camera, you have to make sure that you have three things:

1. A photographer that knows how to capture it
2. Good lighting
3. The knowledge that you can pull the stunt off

Apparently, some people just skip the last (and most important) step in that process. These are their last moments before (probably) being rushed to the hospital.

Remember, kids, don't try this at home. There are no pictures of the injuries and the hospital bills that came after these stunts were pulled. Be careful, be safe, and don't try to plug things in while you're in the pool.