- Su romance es un delito en el lugar donde viven
- Pese a las consecuencias quieren luchar por su amor
- La mujer concibió a su hijo cuando tenía 16 años de edad
Mónica Mares y Caleb Peterson son madre e hijo, pero eso no es todo. También comparten una relación sentimental, por la cual están metidos en serios problemas legales. La pareja de enamorados se estaría enfrentando a una pena de 18 meses de prisión y una multa hasta por cinco mil dólares.
Caleb es mayor de edad, pero las relaciones incestuosas en Clovis (Nuevo México), lugar donde viven la pareja, son castigadas por la ley. La mujer pese a las consecuencias, indicó para el Daily Mail que seguirá con la relación. ''Realmente quiero estar con él. Es difícil por ahora, pero no me importa lo que la gente dice. Estamos pasando por muchas cosas en este momento".
Mares concibió a su hijo cuando tenía 16 años de edad, entregándolo en adopción luego de su nacimiento. Tras dos décadas de separación, el joven quiso buscar a su madre biológica, hoy con 36 años. Así, se reencontraron y decidieron vivir juntos, inicialmente como madre e hijo, pero luego de un tiempo esa convivencia se torno en un intenso romance. Este hecho mortificó a algunos vecinos, quienes los vieron departir cariñosamente en lugares públicos, por lo cual dieron aviso inmediatamente a las autoridades.
De acuerdo con El País de España, este tipo de relaciones son más comunes de lo que las personas piensan. Los especialistas en la materia le han llamado: Atracción Sexual Genética, y se define como el enamoramiento que surge durante el reencuentro de familiares, que no han vivido juntos por años.
ربما سيكون وقع الخبر صاعقا بل وصادما على مسامعكم ولكنه هذا ما حدث ببلاد العجائب أميريكا.
ألقت السلطات المحلية الأمريكية فى ولاية "نيو مكسيكو" القبض على أم وابنها بعدما قرروا الزواج بسبب قصة حب عميقة، حيث قابلت "مونيكا ماريس" 37 عامًا ابنها "كالب بترسون" 20 عامًا، بعدما تركته فى الماضي منذ 18 عامًا، عندما كان سفاحًا بداخلها.
وردت بلاغات عدة لشرطة الولاية من الجيران برؤيتهم بأوضاع جنسية شاذة جدا وصادمة وخادشة للحياء فى العلن وحتى أمام أطفالهم وهو ما لم يقبلوه.
وتم القبض عليهما عندما لاحظ أحد الجيران أحاديث عن هذه العلاقة الغريبة والشاذة، فقام بتصويرهم وتوثيق تلك الفاجعة وأبلغ الشرطة على الفور، حيث قررا والعياذ بالله أن الأم قد وقعت فى حب إبنها بعد لقاءه للمرة الأولى منذ ولادته.
وإعترف الثنائي أمام المحكمة بالجريمة، وقررت المحكمة فصلهما عن بعض تمامًا لمدة عام ونصف، ووضعهما تحت المراقبة والإختبار لمدة 3 سنوات.
والغريب فى القصة أن الثنائي كانا يعيشان فى منزل واحد بصحبة 8 أطفال أخرين، والأطفال كانت تنادى الشاب "بابا"، وبدات العلاقة بين الأم وابنها بسبب "فيسبوك".
- Their romance is a crime in the place where they live
- Despite the consequences they want to fight for their love
- The woman conceived her son when she was 16 years old
Monica Mares and Caleb Peterson are mother and son, but that's not all. They also share a sentimental relationship, for which they are in serious legal problems. The couple of lovers would be facing a sentence of 18 months in prison and a fine up to five thousand dollars.
Caleb is of age, but incestuous relationships in Clovis (New Mexico), where the couple lives, are punished by law. The woman in spite of the consequences, indicated that will continue with the relation. '' I really want to be with him. It's hard for now, but I do not care what people say. We are going through many things right now. "
Mares conceived his son when he was 16 years old, delivering him into adoption after his birth. After two decades of separation, the young man wanted to look for his biological mother, today with 36 years. Thus, they were reunited and decided to live together, initially as mother and son, but after a time that coexistence became an intense romance.
This fact mortified some neighbors, who saw them parting affectionately in public places, for which they immediately notified the authorities.
According to The Country of Spain, these types of relationships are more common than people think. Specialists in the subject have called it: Genetic Sexual Attraction, and is defined as the infatuation that arises during the reunion of relatives, who have not lived together for years.
- Despite the consequences they want to fight for their love
- The woman conceived her son when she was 16 years old
Monica Mares and Caleb Peterson are mother and son, but that's not all. They also share a sentimental relationship, for which they are in serious legal problems. The couple of lovers would be facing a sentence of 18 months in prison and a fine up to five thousand dollars.
Caleb is of age, but incestuous relationships in Clovis (New Mexico), where the couple lives, are punished by law. The woman in spite of the consequences, indicated that will continue with the relation. '' I really want to be with him. It's hard for now, but I do not care what people say. We are going through many things right now. "
Mares conceived his son when he was 16 years old, delivering him into adoption after his birth. After two decades of separation, the young man wanted to look for his biological mother, today with 36 years. Thus, they were reunited and decided to live together, initially as mother and son, but after a time that coexistence became an intense romance.
This fact mortified some neighbors, who saw them parting affectionately in public places, for which they immediately notified the authorities.
According to The Country of Spain, these types of relationships are more common than people think. Specialists in the subject have called it: Genetic Sexual Attraction, and is defined as the infatuation that arises during the reunion of relatives, who have not lived together for years.
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