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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Top Secret And Very Confidential: The Incredible Russian Flying Fortress - سرى للغاية الحصن الروسي الطائر

في ثلاثينيات القرن الماضي حاولت روسيا بناء طائرات ضخمة تكون بمثابة حصون محلقة، وهو المشروع الذي أفرجت عن بعض صوره مؤخراً.

قبيل الحرب العالمية الثانية كانت الجيوش الأوروبية تتسابق على بناء أقوى المعدات العسكرية، فقد كانت كل المؤشرات تفيد بأن هناك حرب في الأفق. 

سلاح هندسة الطيران الروسي حاول في تلك الفترة بناء طائرات ضخمة تحتوي على عدد ضخم من المراوح لتكون حصناً جوياً طائراً، المشروع كان في غاية السرية ولم تظهر منه سوى بعض الصور التي نعرضها هنا بعد أن أطلقت سراحها الحكومة الروسية.

مهندس المشروع السرى Kalinin K-7

In the 1930′s the Russian army came up with the idea of creating huge planes. Planes so large they were flying cities. Designed by a World War I aviator Konstantin Kalinin, the K-7 was one of the biggest aircraft built before the jet age. The Kalinin K-7 was a heavy experimental aircraft designed and tested in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s.

Unusual Russian Planes

Russian army was by the idea of creating huge planes. At that times they were proposed to have as much propellers as possible to help carrying those huge flying fortresses into the air, jet propulsion has not been implemented at those times yet.

Not much photos were saved since that times, because of the high secrecy levels of such projects and because a lot of time passed already. Still on the photo below you can see one of such planes - a heavy bomber K-7.

Now modern history lovers in Russia try to reconstruct according the plans left in once to be top-secret Russian army archives their look in full color. This is one example based on ideas of Russian aviation engineers of that times.


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