بعد ما وجد جيك جولدنج، 23 عاما، من مدينة لستر الإنجليزية، فتاة أحلامه عبر الإنترنت قرر أن يفقد الكثير من الوزن لمقابلتها للمرة الأولى.
و كان جيك يعاني من الوزن الزائد منذ أن كان طفلا ولم يحصل على فتاة قط بل وقع ضحية سخرية العديد من الفتيات، إلى أن التقى بـ Carlisa عبر الإنترنت ومنذ اللحظة الأولى عرف أنها الشخص المناسب.
يقول جيك : إنه كان يسلط الكاميرا على وجهه فقط وأخبرها أن حجمه كبير ولكنه لم يجرؤ على جعلها تشاهد ذلك؛ وعندما حدد موعد لقائهما قرر أن يخسر ما يستطيع أن يخسره من الوزن فوضع نظاما غذائيا صارما وبدأ بممارسة الرياضة لمدة ساعتين يوميا ليخسر نحو 44 كيلوجراما من وزنه في ثمانية أشهر فقط؛ ثم التقى Carlisa وحصل على قبلته الأولى وتمنى لو أنه يتزوج المرأة التي غيرت حياته.
'I lost seven stone for love!' 23st lonely heart finds 'girl of his dreams' online - then sheds third of body weight before meeting her for his first kiss
- Jake's weight was a problem from childhood and by 23 was 23st
- Had never been kissed and was often the victim of cruel jibes from girls
- Met Carlisa online and says he know she was The One
- Determined to lose weight before meeting Carlisa, who lives in New York
- Began strict high protein, low carb diet and exercising 2 hours a day
- Jake managed to drop from 23st to 15st in just eight months
- Met Carlisa, experienced his first kiss, and hopes to marry her one day
- Now is hoping to raise money to get rid of excess skin on his stomach
An obese man has beat the bulge in the name of love.
Jake Golding, 23, from Leicester, had his first ever kiss after shrinking from 23st to just 15st.
After meeting the love of his life online, Jake refused to let his beloved see his body when they chatted, making sure the camera stayed on his face.
Desperate for his happily ever after, Jake took matters into his own hands and set up his own diet and exercise programme.
Jake managed to drop from 23st to 15st in just eight months through a strict diet and exercise
A newly slimmed-down Jake met Carlisa in person for the first time after his weight loss, and experienced his first kiss.
Jake said: 'I met Carlisa online in May last year, and we had an instant connection.
'We used to video chat a lot but I was always too scared to show her my body in case it put her off - I told her I was big but I never wanted to show her.
'She lives in New York but we wanted to make it work, so we agreed that she would come over this January as part of her studies for five months, but I wanted to lose as much weight as possible before then.
'Carlisa helped me gain confidence, and with the weight melting away, I felt like a new person.
'When we finally met it was just amazing - we were both each other's first relationship and it was incredible to share our first kiss together.
'We went to Paris whilst she was here and went to Disney Land and the Eiffel Tower - it was the best week of my life.'
Jake, pictured before the weight loss, had never been kissed and was often the victim of cruel jibes from girls
Despite Carlisa insisting she would love Jake, whatever his size, after meeting, the pair are happier than ever.
Jake said: 'Carlisa always says she wouldn't care if I was 8st or 50st but I wanted to be my best for her - she deserves the best of everything.
'Carlisa is definitely the woman for me and I know I will marry her someday. She's changed my life.'
Jake struggled with his weight since he was a small child and was constantly taunted by bullies.
Jake said: 'I was always big compared to the others and I was never really active.
'I hated PE, I just didn't want to get changed in front of everyone else, and I hated running.
'I tried not to let the comments phase me but I didn't have any confidence.
'All my mates were going out all the time and they had girlfriends.
'I didn't even want to try and find a girl. I stayed in because I didn't want to get turned down.'
Jake found himself gorging on packets of crisps and chocolate every day.
By the time he was 16 he weighed 20st.
Carlisa and Jake met online and soon fell in love. They met up after Jake had lost weight and he had his first ever kiss
Jake said: 'I have a big family so there was a lot of food around so I could help myself whenever I wanted.
'I was too afraid to have a girlfriend as I thought I'd be rejected.
'Girls actually made the worst comments about me so I just focused on college and work instead.
'They turned their noses up at me - but now they're the girls who try and talk to me.
'I haven't bothered responding.'
But after meeting Carlisa, and fed up of being so unfit, Jake decided to change his mindset and adopt a healthy new lifestyle.
Jake said: 'I found myself struggling to fit in any clothes smaller than XXL with a 46in waist.
'I couldn't go shopping with friends because I didn't want to try anything on and there was only one shop in town that kept anything near my size.
'So I joined the gym and started training five days a week.
'It was pretty intense but I wanted to whatever I could to look my best for Carlisa.
'I had joined once before but never kept it going. This time I was determined to.
Jake and Carlisa during their first week together, where they went to Paris and visited Disneyland
'With the help of my brother, friends and research on the internet I came up with the brilliant diet.
'It was high in protein and low in carbs and at the same time I was training in the gym for between one and two hours a day.
'I've lost weight but now started bulking as well and have 10kg of muscle.'
The going was tough as Jake abandoned breakfasts which could sometimes include four burgers, sausages, beans and toast, for porridge.
But after losing a so much weight he's been left with excess skin on his stomach and legs.
Jake said: I've been told that the only way to get rid of the excess skin is to pay to have it removed privately.
Jake is hoping to raise money to get rid of excess skin on his stomach (left) but says he is happier than ever
'I am working in engineering and am on a minimum wage - so I don't think I will ever be able to afford to have that [surgery to remove excess skin] done, as it costs between £5,000 and £6,000.'
'It does make me feel very depressed and there are times when I am not sure how to overcome this.
'My one goal of being able to take my top off in front of other people and I just can't do that.
'I have met my dream woman and I'm so happy, I would just love to one day get rid of the excess skin, that would complete my journey.'
Jake now goes to the gym twice a day and has his own fitness Instagram page - FatToMuscle.
He said: 'I want to help others and show them that no matter how big you are you can really change all that.
'It takes a lot of dedication but if I can do it anyone can, you just have to keep going.
'Look at me, I'm now happier than ever and have the girl of my dreams.
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