شقيقتين نمساويتين يعتقد أنهما انضما إلى تنظيم داعش بعد اختفائهما من منزلهما في الأسبوع الماضي.
و فيوليتا 17 عاما وفيكتوريا 16 عاما اختفيا السبت الماضي من فيينا، وتدعي والدتهما سيتاني البالغة من العمر 46 عاما أنهما بمنزل جدتهما في تركيا على مقربة من الحدود السورية، بينما سلطات التحقيق رجحت اختفاء الفتاتين ربما يرجع لانضامهما لجماعة إرهابية ولكن لا توجد أدلة على ذلك وفرحت والدتهما بمعرفة مكانهما بعد ما كانت تتخيل أنها لم ترهما ثانية.
و صديقتي فيوليتا وفيكتوريا، سمرة وسابيناس سافرتا إلى تركيا للانتقال إلى سوريا والانضمام للجهاديين وتزوجت سمرة وسابينا من مقاتلين من الشيشان.
والد فيوليتا وفيكتوريا توفي قريبا بسبب مرض السرطان وتوجهت الفتاتان إلى التعمق في الدين لمواجهة الموقف وكانت والدتهما خائفة أن يصبحا هدفا سهلا للتطرف.
و والدة فيوليتا وفيكتوريا اعترفت بانشغالها عن ابنتيها ولا توليهما اهتماما قدر ما ينبغي وآخر مرة رأتهما في مطلع الأسبوع عندما كانتا ذاهبتين لشراء بعض الأشياء من محال تجارية، ولكنها شعرت بالخوف عندما اختفتا واعتقدت أنهما سافرا إلى سوريا.
و فيوليتا 17 عاما وفيكتوريا 16 عاما اختفيا السبت الماضي من فيينا، وتدعي والدتهما سيتاني البالغة من العمر 46 عاما أنهما بمنزل جدتهما في تركيا على مقربة من الحدود السورية، بينما سلطات التحقيق رجحت اختفاء الفتاتين ربما يرجع لانضامهما لجماعة إرهابية ولكن لا توجد أدلة على ذلك وفرحت والدتهما بمعرفة مكانهما بعد ما كانت تتخيل أنها لم ترهما ثانية.
و صديقتي فيوليتا وفيكتوريا، سمرة وسابيناس سافرتا إلى تركيا للانتقال إلى سوريا والانضمام للجهاديين وتزوجت سمرة وسابينا من مقاتلين من الشيشان.
والد فيوليتا وفيكتوريا توفي قريبا بسبب مرض السرطان وتوجهت الفتاتان إلى التعمق في الدين لمواجهة الموقف وكانت والدتهما خائفة أن يصبحا هدفا سهلا للتطرف.
و والدة فيوليتا وفيكتوريا اعترفت بانشغالها عن ابنتيها ولا توليهما اهتماما قدر ما ينبغي وآخر مرة رأتهما في مطلع الأسبوع عندما كانتا ذاهبتين لشراء بعض الأشياء من محال تجارية، ولكنها شعرت بالخوف عندما اختفتا واعتقدت أنهما سافرا إلى سوريا.
Latest Austrian teenage girls feared to have fled to join jihad ring their mother from Turkish border with Syria... but refuse to say if they are entering the war-torn nation
- Sisters Viktoria, 16, and Violetta, 17, disappeared from Vienna last week
- Mother Setaniye says pair only took their passports and mobile phones
- She feared they had joined ISIS but says pair have called her from Turkey
- Staying with grandmother but won't say whether they plan to go to Syria
- Samra Kesinovic and Sabina Selimovic also fled Vienna in April to join ISIS
Two Austrian sisters believed to have joined ISIS after disappearing from their home last week are staying with their grandmother on the Syrian border, it has been claimed.
Violetta, 17, and Viktoria, 16, vanished from Vienna last Saturday taking only their phones and passports, leading mother Setaniye to conclude they had gone to join the Islamic State.
However, Setaniye, 46, now says the girls have called her from their grandmother's house in Turkey, close to the Syrian border, but would not discuss whether they would enter the country.
- Sisters Viktoria, 16, and Violetta, 17, disappeared from Vienna last week
- Mother Setaniye says pair only took their passports and mobile phones
- She feared they had joined ISIS but says pair have called her from Turkey
- Staying with grandmother but won't say whether they plan to go to Syria
- Samra Kesinovic and Sabina Selimovic also fled Vienna in April to join ISIS
Two Austrian sisters believed to have joined ISIS after disappearing from their home last week are staying with their grandmother on the Syrian border, it has been claimed.
Violetta, 17, and Viktoria, 16, vanished from Vienna last Saturday taking only their phones and passports, leading mother Setaniye to conclude they had gone to join the Islamic State.
However, Setaniye, 46, now says the girls have called her from their grandmother's house in Turkey, close to the Syrian border, but would not discuss whether they would enter the country.

Sisters Violetta, 17 (left), and Viktoria, 16, were thought to be in Syria having joined ISIS, but their mother now says the girls have called her from Turkey where they are staying with their grandmother
She told The Local: 'At least I have proof that they are alive. I had started to imagine that maybe they were not even alive, but now I know they are alive, although I still don't have them back with me.'
Authorities investigating the girls' disappearance have downplayed the possibility that they could be fighting with the terror group, and insist there is no evidence the new phonecall came from Turkey.
If the pair do join Islamic State militants then they will follow Samra Kesinovic, 17, and friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, who were dubbed the 'poster girls for jihad' after going to Syria in April.
The pair disappeared suddenly, leaving notes for their parents which read: 'Don’t look for us. We will serve Allah – and we will die for him'.
Since then their social media accounts have been used to pump out pro-Islamic State propaganda aimed at encouraging others to join them.
The pair are thought to have been married to Chechen rebels as soon as they arrived in Syria, and are both now believed to be pregnant.
Speaking about Violetta and Viktoria, Setaniye said previously that her husband had died from cancer and her daughters turned to religion in order to cope.
She added: 'The two seemed to have been taking some comfort from religion but I was worried lately that they appeared to be getting a bit extreme.
She told The Local: 'At least I have proof that they are alive. I had started to imagine that maybe they were not even alive, but now I know they are alive, although I still don't have them back with me.'
Authorities investigating the girls' disappearance have downplayed the possibility that they could be fighting with the terror group, and insist there is no evidence the new phonecall came from Turkey.
If the pair do join Islamic State militants then they will follow Samra Kesinovic, 17, and friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, who were dubbed the 'poster girls for jihad' after going to Syria in April.
The pair disappeared suddenly, leaving notes for their parents which read: 'Don’t look for us. We will serve Allah – and we will die for him'.
Since then their social media accounts have been used to pump out pro-Islamic State propaganda aimed at encouraging others to join them.
The pair are thought to have been married to Chechen rebels as soon as they arrived in Syria, and are both now believed to be pregnant.
Speaking about Violetta and Viktoria, Setaniye said previously that her husband had died from cancer and her daughters turned to religion in order to cope.
She added: 'The two seemed to have been taking some comfort from religion but I was worried lately that they appeared to be getting a bit extreme.

According to mother Setaniye the girls won't say whether they plan to go to Syria. Earlier this year Sabina Selimovic, 15 (pictured), and Samra Kesinovic, 17, also fled Vienna to fight for the Islamic State

Sabina (left) and Samra (right) became known as the poster girls for jihad after their social media accounts were used to spread ISIS propaganda after they fled to join the Islamists
'They were acting a bit strange but as a single mum I was always so busy perhaps I didn't pay as much attention as I should.
'I last saw them at the weekend when they said they were going to the shops and they never came back. They should only have been gone a few minutes but when an hour had gone past I worried, and when I looked there was no sign of them.'
She said that her initial concerns turned into panic when she checked the girls' rooms and found the both of them had taken their passports.
The 46-year-old mother added: 'Going back over their behaviour now over the last few weeks I'm convinced and terrified that they may have travelled to Syria to join ISIS.'
Security sources reported earlier this month that fellow teenagers Samra and Sabinas had been in contact, saying they regretted their decision and wanted to return home.
This claim reportedly infuriated ISIS leaders who are waging a constant propaganda war in order to lure young, impressionable people to their cause.
According to anti-terrorism police in the girls' homeland, it is almost certain that they would have been ordered to retract anything they had said to keep the flow of recruits coming.

Sabina (left) and Samra (right) became known as the poster girls for jihad after their social media accounts were used to spread ISIS propaganda after they fled to join the Islamists
'They were acting a bit strange but as a single mum I was always so busy perhaps I didn't pay as much attention as I should.
'I last saw them at the weekend when they said they were going to the shops and they never came back. They should only have been gone a few minutes but when an hour had gone past I worried, and when I looked there was no sign of them.'
She said that her initial concerns turned into panic when she checked the girls' rooms and found the both of them had taken their passports.
The 46-year-old mother added: 'Going back over their behaviour now over the last few weeks I'm convinced and terrified that they may have travelled to Syria to join ISIS.'
Security sources reported earlier this month that fellow teenagers Samra and Sabinas had been in contact, saying they regretted their decision and wanted to return home.
This claim reportedly infuriated ISIS leaders who are waging a constant propaganda war in order to lure young, impressionable people to their cause.
According to anti-terrorism police in the girls' homeland, it is almost certain that they would have been ordered to retract anything they had said to keep the flow of recruits coming.

Sabina (left) and Samra (right), began posting images of their new lives abroad in an attempt to get other girls to join them, and now authorities fear Viktoria and Violetta may have done exactly that
An Austrian security insider said: 'If they really want it to be believable that the girls are now claiming they don't want to come home, they should let them give the interview on neutral territory where it's possible to see that they aren't being threatened by a gun.
'If the claim they want to come home is untrue, they have the opportunity to walk back into Syria.'
Meanwhile Setaniye has filed a complaint with Austrian police to say that her daughters are missing, but police and the Austrian Interior Ministry have so-far declined to comment
However, an insider said the disappearance was a cause for concern, and was being investigated.
An Austrian security insider said: 'If they really want it to be believable that the girls are now claiming they don't want to come home, they should let them give the interview on neutral territory where it's possible to see that they aren't being threatened by a gun.
'If the claim they want to come home is untrue, they have the opportunity to walk back into Syria.'
Meanwhile Setaniye has filed a complaint with Austrian police to say that her daughters are missing, but police and the Austrian Interior Ministry have so-far declined to comment
However, an insider said the disappearance was a cause for concern, and was being investigated.
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