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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Top Ten Strange, Bizarre, Weird Phenomena of 2011 – Videos


[Photo-Image: Mysterious Bubble Cloud Over Beijing China, August 24, 2011]

Weird, strange and bizarre phenomena of 2011, events leading up to 2012. Events which would have made it into Charles Fort’s–the inspiration for the Fortean Society–Book of the Damned. Events which include the mysterious huge bubble over Beijing, the two suns spotted over China, the huge crack that opened up in Peru and the strange creature in Tennessee, part of our “Top Ten Strange, Bizarre, Weird Phenomena of 2011″. The number one phenomena, located near “the most contaminated spot on the planet”, Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Number Ten Strange Phenomena of 2011, Mysterious Catatumbo Lightning Returns After Months Of Absence – Aug. 12, 2011
Nightline’s Bill Weir:
“I spent some time in Oklahoma where as a kid watching electrical storms on the porch could beat anything on TV but that lightning was small bore compared to a corner of Venezuela where the rate of strikes is higher than anywhere on earth. So high, that generations of natives took a crashing sky for granted, right up until, one night, the show mysteriously stopped.”
“The River of Fire in the Sky” is what the indigenous peoples of northwest Venezuela call the up to 40,000 bolts of lightning, up to 300 nights a year for centuries. Last year, the lightning stopped then resumed in 2011.

[Photo: Puno Peru’s mysterious three kilometers long by 100 meter wide ‘huge crack’]

Number Nine Unexplained Phenomena GIANT CRACK in the EARTH opens in PERU.flv

From Mystery in Puno, Peru: Three Kilometers Long By 100 Meters Wide Crack Not Caused by a Quake:
A most extraordinary report from southern Peru, the sudden appearance of an ‘enormous crack opens in the earth’ that measured three kilometers long by 100 meters wide which occurred Wednesday in the Huacullani district in the province of Chucuito in Puno. A crack which wasn’t caused by an earthquake. According to news reports a five-yr-old boy, a resident of the rural community of Llorohoco, is still reported missing. The boy’s family escaped after their house collapsed due to the destruction caused by the giant ‘crack’.
‘The exact cause of the crack in the earth still unknown. Peru’s geophysical institute ruled out the occurrence of an earthquake in the region, but what is clear is that the ground opened up and large blocks of earth can be observed scattered throughout the area.’
Over at the USGS website, the confirmation of the absence of earthquake activity in Peru on February 23, the date the mysterious crack appeared in southern Peru.
According to Living in Peru:
‘Geological engineers from the regional committee for civil defense have arrived in the area to investigate the phenomenon and determine its causes, said Javier Pampamallco, Puno’s civil defense chief.’

[Photo-Image: "Planet" Rainbow, Windsor Ontario, August 13, 2011]

Number Eight Weather Phenomena, The “Planet” Rainbow

Planet seen during storm (Illusion) Video

Video Info:
Windsor Ontario Canada, 13/08/2011. Rainbow during thunder storm gives an illusion of a red planet in the sky. During the video, a very very low flying airplane flys by and makes a hard bank into the area of the planet illusion. Video copyright of GreatCanadianNerd. All rights reserved.

Number Seven Bizarre Phenomena, Strange Creature In Tennessee

Video Info:
This photo was taken by a tree camera in southern middle Tennessee. The photo belongs to a friend of a friend and when I saw the picture I thought I’d share it to get some second opinions on the photo. As far as I know the photo is 100% real.

[Photo-Image: "Virgin Mary Apparition" appears in Africa's Ivory Coast?]

Number Six Led to Hysteria Phenomena of 2011, Miracle or Apparition of the Sun over Ivory Coast

The “Virgin Mary apparition” event occurred on April 20, 2011, in Abidjan located in Africa’s Ivory Coast. In early April the report 800 people were massacred in Duekoue, Ivory Coast, with 200 UN Peacekeepers in the area ‘unaware’ of the massacre, the violence spreading to Abidjan.
For more details and other videos and explanations of the event, the link to Bizarre Sky Phenomena in Ivory Coast Frightens Residents – Video.
Number Five Strange Weather Phenomena Video of 2011: Brilliant, Bright Yellow-Orange Clouds over Canada

Anomalous Storm in Edmonton, AB Canada – July 18, 2011 (Bright Orange Sky & Weirdest Clouds EvEr)

Video Info:
Uploaded by Sheilaaliens on Jul 19, 2011
This event took place in the early morning of July 18, 2011 between 5:00 – 6:00 A.M. in Edmonton, AB (Alberta) Canada. I saw one vid in passing and did a search for the word “edmonton”, filtered for the most recent results (in youtube) and voila! Lots of stunning video – and the majority were in HD 0.0 Bravo, people!!!
Uploader’s youtube names can be found in the right or left hand corner of the video ^-^ Scary, but amazing looking stuff…
Obviously, we are looking at manipulated weather, here. You can see the tentacles of chemicals everywhere. Oy effing vay.
Also, another Kuwait-inspired dust storm for the End o’ Days is in Phoenix again today…. well, more like Phoenix is in IT…
Number Four Scary, Strange Phenomena Video of 2011, What is This Loud NOISE?, posted on Youtube March 12, 2011

Video Info:
Uploaded by DaisyJays on Mar 12, 2011
**UPDATE** Check out the two links Below** I’m Thinking HAARP EXPERIMENT**…
Also this was posted on this link below :
Last night I was surprised to see that the Tallahassee, FL, National Weather Service admitted that the returns on the radar were “military chaff”, not rain. This area got bombarded on Monday and yesterday. See the second paragraph below.
FXUS62 KTAE 090203
903 PM EST TUE MAR 8 2011
Tallahassee Florida, 3-09-2011.. Around 6:30 on.
What is this noise??? We thought for sure it was a Tornado, But it never changed it’s position, and it lasted for well over 20 minutes or so… It was Soooo Loud, and it was shaking the house and the ground.
I called 911, They said they didnt know what it was, But that there were MANY calls coming in about the noise. They said they were sending patrols out to check it out…
There was a Flash of light that came from the same direction of the noise, then the noise just faded away. It was a relief obviously, I still thought it may have been a Tornado, But it also wasn’t making any sense to me. We even put the kids in the bathtub and put a mattress over them just in case.
I called the News Station also, They told me it wasn’t a Tornado, And that the police had told them to tell people it was an airplane revving it’s engine at the airport. I live 4 miles from the airport, And I have lived here for 20 years, I have never heard an An airplane rev its engine at the airport, that was just insanity.
So when the noise was over, we drove down to the airport and stopped at a gas station nearby, They said they didnt hear anything. So it was not coming from that direction!
AND, on the 11 o’clock news that night, the weather man made a comment about all the calls that had come in about the noise, He said, Dont worry, It wasn’t a Tornado, and it was confirmed that it WASN’T an Airplane, ALL You were hearing was THUNDER!!!..
If anyone has ever heard Thunder that was anything like that, Please let me know. It is just so Strange to me that the Stories kept changing.. Like we are stupid or something and dont know what Thunder sounds like.
Anyway, I Dont Know What it was.. But if you have any clue at all, Please do tell

Also, Very strange how after the Flash of light there was no thunder, the noise actually stopped.
Oh, and the NASA Space shuttle Discovery had already landed in south Florida about 5 hours earlier that day. It wouldn’t have hovered for 20 minutes anyway, But just saying.
I had to load this video in a lesser format so that it would upload… If i can find out how to do a higher quality I will.

Number Three Strange, Weird Phenomena Video/Story of 2011, the amazing, mysterious huge bubble cloud over Beijing China, August 24, 2011

[Photo-Image: Bubble Cloud over Beijing]

Huge Bubble Cloud over Beijing Skies Mystifies Observers Video

Was this an elaborate hoax?
Researching this story four months later we’ve been unable to find any further information on this event. No followup news reports, no official explanation from the government of China of what must have been seen by thousands or millions of Chinese. Even more curious the “details” in the BTV News news report:
“When the observation team set their instruments at the bubble it gradually became bigger and thinner. The entire currents lasted for less than 15 minutes. Observers took pictures of the whole process and posted them online.”
Who was the observation team, we have no clue. The news report seems to imply there were observers taking pictures of the bubble, not to be confused with the Beijing Planetarium workers interviewed in the video. The news report, “confusing”.
“Experts say the bubble was unlikely a natural phenomena. Judging from the pictures, the bubble cloud was hundreds of miles from observers in Beijing.”
“It must have been caused by human beings, not nature, or other things like that.”
Zhu Jin, Curator, Beijing Planetarium

“In less than one day more than one hundred comments were posted about the unusual phenomenon. Many of those who commented said they had seen a similar bubble cloud out in the provinces of Xinjiang, Shaanxi, and Zhejiang.”
You’d think a huge bubble cloud over Beijing would have gotten as much as, or more, press as the ‘Two Suns Spotted in China” video, an event picked up by MSNBC and China’s CTV News, the equivalent of China’s “CNN”.
Amazing Multiple Violet Lights UFO over Munich Video, New Years Eve 2011

[Photo-Image: Two Suns in China, March, 2011]

Number Two Strange Phenomena Video of 2011, “Two Suns Spotted in China” March 4, 2011

MSNBC, ‘Two suns’ spotted in China defy explanation:
The double sun image is an effect of optical refraction, Kaler (Jim Kaler, the University of Illinois astronomer) said, but it’s a “pretty darn rare” one, and one not fully explained by science.
“I doubt it’s been computer modeled,” he said. “There must have been some blob of atmosphere somewhere that caused this truly spectacular phenomenon, which in a sense is a mirage.”
The moneyquote: “One not fully explained by science”.
Number One Strange, Bizarre and Weird Phenomena of 2011, “Strange sound in Chelyabinsk, ???????? ???? ? ?????????? 27.09.2011″

We don’t have a translation for the video info.
Info on Chelyabinsk, Russia, the Most Contaminated Spot on the Planet:
In the late 1940′s, about 80 kilometers north of the city of Chelyabinsk, an atomic weapons complex called “Mayak” was built. Its existence has only recently been acknowledged by Russian officials, though, in fact, the complex, bordered to the west by the Ural Mountains, and to the north by Siberia, was the goal of Gary Powers’s surveillance flight in May of 1960.
The people of the area have suffered no less than three nuclear disasters: For over six years, the Mayak complex systematically dumped radioactive waste into the Techa River, the only source of water for the 24 villages which lined its banks.The four largest of those villages were never evacuated, and only recently have the authorities revealed to the population why they strung barbed wire along the banks of the river some 35 years ago.Russian doctors who study radiation sickness in the area estimate that those living along the Techa River received an average of four times more radiation than the Chernobyl victims.
In 1957, the area suffered its next calamity when the cooling system of a radioactive waste containment unit malfunctioned and exploded.The explosion spewed some 20 million curies of radioactivity into the atmosphere.About two million curies spread throughout the region, exposing 270,000 people to as much radiation as the Chernobyl victims.Less than half of one percent of these people were evacuated, and some of those only after years had passed.
The third disaster came ten years later.The Mayak complex had been using Lake Karachay as a dumping basin for its radioactive waste since 1951.In 1967, a drought reduced the water level of the lake, and gale-force winds spread the radioactive dust throughout twenty-five thousand square kilometers, further irradiating 436,000 people with five million curies, approximately the same as at Hiroshima.
In the past 45 years, about half a million people in the region have been irradiated in one or more of the incidents, exposing them to as much as 20 times the radiation suffered by the Chernobyl victims.
“The Most Contaminated Spot on the Planet” is a journey, starting on a train which, after 36 hours, brings me from Moscow into the city of Chelyabinsk, the administrative center of the province and home to over a million people.The city sprang up during the Second World War, when Stalin moved weapons production to the isolated region.It would go on to produce 50% of the Soviet Union’s tanks.This gave the city its nickname, “Tank City.”

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