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Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Years Day Beijing ‘Flying Humanoid’ Similar to 2005 Phoenix ‘Flying Humanoid’? – Videos

"Mad Inventors" Behind Flying Humanoids?

[Photo-Image: Beijing China's Flying "Humanoid"?]
The latest in weird news related to UFOS, the “flying humanoid” caught on video in broad daylight on New Years Day 2012 in the skies of Beijing, China.
In September of 2005 Rich Giordano, Paranormal Researcher and UFO Specialist, captured on film a “flying humanoid’ in the skies over Phoenix-video posted below. The length of time in the air for the Go Fast Jetpack, 33 seconds in 2010, five years after Giordano filmed the “flying humanoid” for over 8 minutes. On New Years Day in Beijing China a “flying humanoid” caught on film, a flying humanoid we think has similarities to Giordano’s Phoenix flying humanoid.
A new video, UFO or Flying Humanoid 1/1/2012 China Frame by Frame Analysis gave us the opportunity to do a side-by-side analysis with a commercial jetpack and other earlier “Flying Humanoid” videos–videos posted below.
The definition of “humanoid”,
Having human characteristics or form.
1. A being having human form: “humanoids from some far-flung planet” (Robert Brustein).
2. See android.
The original video, UFO or flying Humanoid – Beijing, China New Years Day 2012.

Video info:
Please watch in HD This incredible footage of an apparent Humanoid like flying object was captured on New Years Day in the city of Beijing, China. Filmed by Li Xiu Ying who noticed something very peculiar looking from his hotel room. States he grabbed his camera as fast as he could but did not think he caught the object clearly because it was not showing on his view finder. However, the camera was HD and the flying object can be clearly seen when the footage is enlarged. He states ” It literally looked like a large man floating through the sky “.
The video gives a perspective–building height–to the following video, UFO or Flying Humanoid 1/1/2012 China Frame by Frame Analysis.

[Photo-Image: Go Fast Jetpack]
We were unable to find any manufacturers of jetpacks in China but we did find Go Fast Jetpack!.

The 2010 spec’s for the Go Fast Jetpack:
Max Flight Time: 33 seconds
Maximum Distance: 500 ft
Max Speed: 70 mph.
Maximum Height: 120ft
Max Pilot Weight: 180 lbs.
Fuel: H202
Fuel Capacity: 5.8 gallons.
While there’s literally thousands of ‘UFO’ videos we could find only a few videos of flying humanoids for comparison. Despite the lack of FH videos we discovered a striking similarity between the Beijing FH and the 2005 Phoenix FH, both FH’s seem to be wearing “unusual” black shoes.

[Photo-Image: September, 2005, Phoenix "Flying Humanoid"
In September of 2005 Rich Giordano, Paranormal Researcher and UFO Specialist, captured on film in the skies above Phoenix, Arizona, what he described, using binoculars, as:
"Maybe this isn't what we think it is. In my mind I'm thinking all sorts of things.
What I'm about to zoom in on, blew me away. And to this day, five years later, still blows me away. I just have no explanation for what I'm seeing here. The only logical explanation would be balloon. Now I started videotaping this a few minutes ago, if it was a guy on a jetpack which everybody thinks, then it would only last a few minutes. But look at this, that could be a guy on a jetpack but when I look through the binoculars it blew me away. Had a yellow-goldish helmet with like an underwater mask, scuba diving tanks, two of them, it had black shoes, or these octagon-shaped type of shoes with a hole in each bottom."
Below, a photo of the "Beijing Humanoid", and the unusual "black shoes".

More from Giordano on the Phoenix Flying Humanoid:
"The two little tanks, I call them that I don't know what they are. They had three holes on the back of them so it was like two scuba tanks and three holes equal distant apart, I think, how the object moved. It also looked like it was sitting in a harness, kind of like a jetpack with a highchair table type of apparatus where you lay your hands on it to work the controls in front of you. It's very, very weird, when I look through the binoculars, I was changed for life. And the video here doesn't do it justice. I mean look at this, you've got the legs swaying in the wind."
In the Beijing Flying Humanoid "Analysis", "legs" which seemed to "sway".
The Best Flying Humanoid Video Evidence EVER! By UFO Researcher Rich Giordano - Part 1

Video Info:
This is probably the best evidence for the existence of humanoids ever captured on video. Rich Giordano, Paranormal Researcher and UFO Specialist, captured this object in his backyard on September 23rd, 2005. The Discovery Channel did a show about this humanoid and tried debunking it with many balloon tests and failed miserable. You can see that story on Rich's UFO Site and judge for yourself. Balloons? Maybe...Humanoid from another world? Possibly.

[Photo-Image: Mexico's Infamous Flying Witch (bruja)]

January 16, 2004, Monterrey Mexico Police Officer Leonardo Samaniego Attacked by Flying Humanoid
Samaniego claimed, while on patrol he was attacked by a flying humanoid whose description is similar to the October 17, 2006, video of a flying humanoid or “flying witch” or flying bruja filmed near Monterrey.
Samaniego’s tale was recounted in an episode of the History Channel’s Monsterquest.

October 17, 2006, Mexican flying humanoid

Video Info:
Footage of a flying humanoid who many claim to be a real life witch flying over monterrey mexico
Are the Phoenix and Beijing Flying Humanoids, cases of “Mad Inventors”? The two cases unrelated to the attack on Monterrey police officer Leonardo Samaniego and the Monterrey “Flying Witch”?
The following from The Truth Behind The Scenes website excellent post well worth the read on the history of Flying Humanoids and recent sightings, The mysterious creatures ‘Flying Humanoids’.
Mad Inventors?
Several people saw a flying man over Chehalis, Washington on January 6, 1948. Bernice Zaikowski was one of them. She was soon joined by some schoolchildren who asked to come into her garden to get a better view of the aerial mystery. The man, in an upright position, was hovering just 20 feet above her barn, she estimated. He was apparently kept aloft by long silver wings that were strapped to his body. He seemed to have controls of some kind on his chest, which he worked to maneuver himself with a lot of whizzing noise.
A strikingly similar case was reported eight years later in Falls City, Nebraska. On a fall afternoon in 1956, “John Hanks” saw a winged creature flying only about 15 feet above the ground. Its wings were like shiny aluminum and had multi-colored lights running along their underside. The wings, spanning 15 feet, were clearly attached to the man by means of a shoulder harness. This flying man also had some kind of control panel affixed to his chest, and he manipulated the dials as he flew. This sighting could be attributed to some remarkable invention if not for the witnesses description of the flying man himself: leathery wrinkled skin, large watery blue eyes and a face that was “very frightening, almost demonic.” The witness also attested that he was paralyzed as this “man” flew over.

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