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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Top Ten Things That Fell Out of the Sky 2011 – Videos

Look what Fell out of the Sky in 2011!
Mystery Fireball Explosion: Argentina, September 2011
[Photo-Image: "Fiery object filmed minutes before mystery explosion in Argentina, September 26, 2011]
Fireballs, meteorites, possible UFOs, space debris, apples, a camera zoom lens, a ‘space ball’ and a massive melon-sized hailstone, the things that fell from the sky in 2011. (Videos and links posted below.)
September 26, 2011, a woman was killed and six injured by what some believe was caused by a meteorite or fireball in Argentina. In our research we discovered this was the only fatality attributed to a meteorite in 2011.
Mystery Explosion in Esteban Argentina Kills 1, Injures 9 (SUBT ENGLISH) Sept 26, 2011.mp4

Video Info:
The explosion of Monte Grande, which attracted dozens of families in the locality, and killed a woman and injured 6, was not caused by an accident with a gas cylinder as the first confirmed expertise made ??by the fire department.
People said they woke up, seconds before the crash and saw a bright light.
Fabian Sequeira told the media:: “I was sleeping, I felt a noise and had it all over me. I have no idea what happened”.
Also, minutes before the explosion, a neighbor took a picture of a fiery object falling from the night sky. The image shows a spherical object with a trail similar to that carried by comets.
The neighbors who were awakened at 2:10 agreed that they saw “a luminous ball that fell from heaven” before the blast, which destroyed one of the houses in the corner of the Los Andes y Luis Vernet, where debris crushed three cars and blast caused the broken glass and masonry of several buildings.…

May, 2011, Mystery Object Leaves Impact Hole in Basking Ridge, NJ, Lawn
[VIDEO] UFO MYSTERY: What Fell From Sky & Made Hole In NJ Man’s Lawn – PETER THORNE
Mystery Hole, New Jersey, May 2011

Video Info:
Are they here? It’s a question asked in jest now that some people are wondering whether a strange visitor from another planet dropped by New Jersey last week, leaving a large hole in the ground.
Residents now believe it was a meteor, and have dubbed it the “Garden State’s Meteor Mystery”. Pictures and video show the impact zone along Lafayette lane in Basking Ridge, NJ.
The homeowners where the object landed weren’t talking about the mystery tonight.
Neighbor Leo Labbe told PIX 11 News, “It’s a mystery. We don’t now what happened, I was in the house, and heard absolutely nothing, until I came out at 4 o’clock and there was an army of police cars and everything else here…we haven’t a clue what happened…public service and the gas company came along and took all kinds of tests – they did sniff tests for gas – there was no electrical interruption. It’s just a bizarre thing that I’ve never seen before and probably never will again!”
Bill McCain, an astronomer at the nearby Raritan Valley Community College Planetarium, told PIX 11 News, “It is a mystery, because I was over there and I saw it. All the details point towards something impacting. It also looks like there could have been an explosion from underground, but that’s all been ruled out. The only thing left is an impact, but we can’t find anything that actually caused the impact so it’s really a mystery. I’m as baffled as you are at this point.”
The unidentified flying object landed near the front of a local homeowner’s yard. Early suspicions were that it was a space rock but that remains unclear, because whatever object made the huge hole left no clues. It left no metal, no scorch marks, and no animal tracks. So far investigators have ruled out something falling off a passing airplane, fireworks or kids playing a prank as the cause of the mysterious hole.
Apples That Fell Out of The Sky, December 12, 2011, Keresley, Coventry, UK
Two official explanations for ‘more than a 100′ small green apples that ‘pelted car screens and bonnets just after rush hour’, a freak current of air lifting the apples from an orchard. The Met Office’s explanation, it could have been a tornado. (Tornadoes are extremely rare in the UK, especially in mid-December.)
Link to Apples fall from the sky over Coventry.
September 23, 2011, New Mexico Neighborhood Peppered with Space Debris
Mysterious Debria Falls on NM Neighbohood, Sept 2011
Notice anything usual about the above photo?
The photo was taken from a news report on what may have been debris from the NASA UARS satellite falling in a Carlsbad, New Mexico neighborhood on September 23, 2011.
On September 23, the report:
“Should the satellite drop debris over the United States, which as of Friday NASA could not entirely discount given UARS’s slower than previously predicted descent, then U.S. laws will apply. Any parts found must be surrendered to the government. Pocketing pieces as souvenirs could lead to charges of theft of government property.”
Another NASA “law”, people aren’t allowed to touch any of the debris due to ‘sharp edges’. And, the debris will no longer be “hot” by the time it falls to Earth.
Two weeks after what might have been UARS satellite debris peppering a neighborhood in Carlsbad New Mexico–very ‘hot’ to the touch debris–the residents, who contacted their local law enforcement per NASA’s request, aren’t touching the objects–notice the sticks in the above photo?–are still waiting to hear from NASA on what fell in their neighborhood. And, they still have the debris.
“Anthony Granger woke up to what he thought was a bomb going off at his neighbor’s house Friday morning.”

December 23, 2011, Space debris from Russia’s failed Meridian satellite launch crashes through roof of a home on Cosmonaut Street
Russian Space Web:
“According to initial reports, the remnants of the spacecraft were expected to crash near Tobolsk in the Tyumen Region of Russia. However within three hours after the accident, Interfax news agency reported that fragments of the spacecraft were found near Ordynskoe in Novosibirsk Region.
Soon, a report came that a fragment from the failed mission crashed into the residential house in the village of Vagaitsevo, some three kilometers from the Ordynskoe regional center in Novosibirsk Region. Ironically, what was described as a 50-centimeter sperical gas tank hit the roof of the house along Cosmonauts Street. Fortunately, nobody was hurt in the incident, Russian media said.”
Mystery Space Ball, Namibia 2011
[Photo/Image: Mystery Space Ball discovered in Namibia]

Mystery Space Ball Falls in Nambia, Mid-November, 2011

This mystery, solved.
“The mysterious large metallic ball that fell out of the sky in Namibia, sparking considerable panic, is most likely a fuel tank from an unmanned rocket.”

[Photo-Image: Canon Zoom Lens Punches Hole in Petaluma CA roof]
September 2, 2011, Camera Lens Crashes Roof of Petaluma, CA, Home
From what height would a 2-pound Canon camera zoom lens have to fall to knock a hole in a roof?
CBS San Francisco:
PETALUMA (CBS SF) – Petaluma police were working to track down the owner of a camera lens that apparently fell from the sky earlier this month, damaging a local family’s home.
Debbie Payne, 55, said she found the approximately two-pound, 9-inch Canon camera lens outside of her home on Friday, Sept. 2, after hearing a loud crash that shook the two-story house, left a hole in her roof and sliced through two window screens.

September 14, 2011, Mystery Object “On Fire” May Have Fallen to Earth, Southern California
KAL 9 News:
“A mysterious burning object lights up the night sky in southern California. It appears to fall to Earth, but, what was it?”

[Photo-Image: Massive Melon-sized Hailstone, Norman Oklahoma, May 24, 2011]
Massive Melon-Sized Hailstone Falls from Sky in Norman Oklahoma?
There was quite a debate on whether the massive hailstone discovered in Norman Oklahoma was fake.

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