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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Brazilian site sells fake Facebook beaus: Girlfriend for $40, ex for $20

AFP Photo / Shah Marai

Relationships are becoming more public than ever before thanks to Facebook, putting a strain on many loners who remain single. A Brazilian website has come up with a solution – hire a fake girlfriend to impress your Facebook friends.
Relationships are becoming more public than ever before thanks to Facebook, putting a strain on many loners who remain single. A Brazilian website has come up with a solution – hire a fake girlfriend to impress your Facebook friends.  
The Brazilian website is offering ‘virtual’ girlfriends that would generate Facebook comments, relationship statuses and pictures for as long as 30 days, in order to fool your friends.
The site boasts that their service will help you in “impressing your friends” and “gaining confidence with women.”
But if you are short on cash, do not despair: You can hire a fake ex-girlfriend to post on your wall for just $19.  
“Sometimes people need to rent a fake girlfriend to make your ex-girlfriend jealous,” the site says. “After a breakup, the ex-boyfriends want to show that they are already with another person to feel good.” 

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