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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Melanie Griffith play fighting with huge African LION her family adopted from founder of the Church of Satan - بالصور.. أسد يقع في عشق النجمة العالمية «ميلاني جريفيث»

بالصور.. أسد يقع في عشق النجمة العالمية «ميلاني جريفيث»

Wild child: Melanie Griffith, aged just 14, leaps into the swimming pool in her Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, home as she playfights with her enormous pet lion, Neil

في واقع قد لا يصدقه الكثيرون ويصفه البعض بأنه دربٌ من دروب الجنون، اختارت عائلة الممثلة الأمريكية ميلاني جريفيث أسدًا ضخمًا ليكون حيوانها الأليف الذي تعتني به داخل منزلها الخاص.

Now that was a wild childhood: Amazing photos from 1971 show actress Melanie Griffith lounging by the pool and play fighting with huge African LION her family adopted from founder of the Church of Satan

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Mom's pet too: Tippi Hedren, muse to the famed director Alfred Hitchcock, also had lots of fun with Neil, as shown in this playful image

وقد تبنت عائلة "جريفيث" الوحش الضخم "نيل" إبان رحلة إلى أفريقيا، قرروا خلالها العمل على فيلم عن الأسود يحمل عنوان "الزئير" استغرق إنتاجه 11 عامًا وبلغت تكلفته 17 مليون دولار، فيما حقق أرباحًا بلغت مليوني دولار فقط.

  • Picture set from 1971 shows Griffith relaxing outside with her pet - called Neil - at her home in Los Angeles

  • The intimate set even show her sharing a bed with Neil, and seeming carefree even as he grabs at her legs

  • Griffith's mother - starlet Tippi Hedren - and her then-husband Noel Marshall, a Hollywood Agent, are also shown

  • Hedren casually uses Neil as a pillow while she reads the news - while Marshall puts up with the lion as he types

  • The family adopted Neil from Anton Lavey, High Priest of the Church of Satan, who called the beast Togar

  • Lavey, a former lion tamer, had kept him in his San Francisco apartment, but authorities told him he couldn't stay

  • Neil inspired them to make a film - Roar - about the majestic beasts, which ended up being a box office flop 

بالصور.. أسد يقع في عشق النجمة العالمية «ميلاني جريفيث»

Grappling: Hedren takes on Neil in a dangerous-looking wrestling match on the floor of their California home

وتظهر مجموعة حديثة من الصور حياة جريفيث العائلية بوجود "نيل"، حيث تبدو طبيعية جدًا. فهذا الوحش الضخم يلهو مع أفراد الأسرة وينام إلى جوار ميلاني على نفس السرير.

There is something wild about actress Melanie Griffith's upbringing.

As this incredible series of photographs shows, while her peers were growing up, fighting with their parents and doing everything else a normal teenager does, the 14-year-old Griffith had an extra influence at home - her enormous, live-in pet lion.

Pictured in 1971 lounging by the pool, playfighting, and even in bed together, Melanie and Neil, as the hulking African big cat was known, can be seen sharing a touching bond.

Neil came to live with the family in bizarre circumstances, after they adopted him from Anton Lavey, High Priest of the Church of Satan, who was told he could no longer keep him in his small San Francisco apartment. 

بالصور.. أسد يقع في عشق النجمة العالمية «ميلاني جريفيث»

Better than a teddy bear: In the intimate set of photographs, Griffith is seen relaxing in bed with the huge lion

ويبدو من الصور أن الأسد متعايش بشكل كبير مع الحياة "الآدمية" حيث يبدو في إحدى الصور مستلق على الأرض والخادمة تمر من فوق رجليه دون أن ينزعج أو يستفيق من نومه.

In one photograph Griffith looks completely carefree even as Neil grapples her leg with his paws as she jumps into the water at their home in Sherman Oaks, a suburb of Los Angeles. 

Griffith, the daughter of starlet and Hitchcock muse Tippi Hedren, lived with her mother and her then-husband Noel Marshall, a Hollywood agent.

In the series of pictures, first published in LIFE Magazine, Marshall and Hedren are also seen happily co-existing with Neil. In one, the lion tries to get the attention of Marshall by roaring in his face as he sits - entirely nonplussed - at his typewriter.

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Casual: Neil, whomt he family adopted from Church of Satan founder Anton Lavey, is seen above bothering Hedren's then-husband Noel Marshall at work, and enjoying another session by the pool with Griffith

كما يشارك "نيل" أفراد الأسرة في العمل والسباحة كما يظهر في الصور، متناسيًا حقيقة أن الأسود بطبيعتها لا تعيش في المنازل برفقة البشر.

The majestic beast was adopted by the family after they took a trip to Africa and decided to make a movie about lions, Roar, which would take 11 years to complete.

Sadly, the movie was a box office flop,and the production was plagued by injuries resulting from working with lions.

Griffith herself required 50 stitches at one point after being bit by one of the cats, and cinematographer Jan de Bont had to have his scalp sewn back on after being attacked.

In total, despite its $17million price-tag, the film only made $2million at the box office. But the movie stands as a testament to the family's love of lions - which Hedren still keeps at her home on a wildlife reserve in California.

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يذكر أن طفولة ميلاني جريفيث لم تكن تقليدية، فهي ابنة الممثلة الأمريكية الشهيرة تيبي هيدرن، فضلًا عن نشأتها مع أسد ضخم في نفس المنزل.

بالصور.. أسد يقع في عشق النجمة العالمية «ميلاني جريفيث»

Plush sofa: Hedren uses Neil as an oversized pillow while catching up on the news. Now aged 84, she still keeps lions

بالصور.. أسد يقع في عشق النجمة العالمية «ميلاني جريفيث»

The lion sleeps tonight: A maid steps over Neil VERY carefully in the family's kitchen while the big cat rests

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Non-plussed: Noel Marshall, a major Hollywood agent, tries to get some work done despite Neil roaring in his face

Wild child: Melanie Griffith as she is today   Donor: Anton Lavey, who founded the Church of Satan, had to give away the lion after San Francisco authorities said it was too big for a housepet

Today: Griffith (pictured left in 2014, now aged 57), had the lion in her life thanks in part to Anton Lavey (right), High Priest of the Church of Satan

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