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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Obama Admin supporting Muslim Brotherhood, Radical Islam in Egypt

ALERT: The Obama Administration continues to prop-up the Muslim Brotherhood’s stranglehold on the Egyptian government. Fax Congress.
Dear Conservative,
Egypt is three days away from adopting their new constitution – a document that will subordinate the entire country to radical Islamic law: Shariah Law.
For weeks multitudes of Egyptians have been demonstrating in the streets of Cairo hoping to prevent their government from turning into an authoritarian Islamic State. However, as of Sunday, such voices of opposition have been in more of a retreat since Mohammed Morsi – Egypt’s President – instituted martial law to “protect” the State’s government institutions (in other words, the monopoly power held by the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Salafist factions), with torture chambers for dissenters and all.
Egypt’s political outlook right now looks very grim at best.
Coptic Christians and all non-Muslims are under great political threat.
In a recent report, a Muslim cleric – Sheik Yasser Borhami – was quoted, saying “[The new] constitution has more complete restraints on rights than ever existed before in any Egyptian constitution.” He continued, “[T]his will not be a democracy that can allow what God forbids or forbid what God allows.”
Barack Obama and his Administration have been tight-lipped about Egypt’s shift toward radical Islam.
So far they have said nothing about the soon-to-be Egyptian constitution and its animosity toward religious freedom, women’s freedom, and free democracy – three outcomes which administrations usually use as justifications that U.S. interventionism and foreign aid works.
Speaking with RT News, geopolitical analyst F. William Engdahl claims that the Obama Administration is purposely aiding the installation of a radical Islamic government in Egypt.
Engdahl says, “It reminds of the bringing to power of Khomeini by the CIA in the late ’70s to control what was a genuine democratic movement in Iran at the time, against the Shah. And now you have the [Muslim] Brotherhood, which is being supported by the State Department and the Obama Administration, as an analogous vehicle to create a, if you will, an Islamic dictatorship in Egypt. And a good portion of the population wants none of it.”
When asked why the U.S. hasn’t criticized the anti-freedom Egyptian constitution, Engdahl says, “Because they’re backing it.” He goes on to say, “This is one of the most major hidden intelligence projects of the last fifty years – the U.S. covert support of the Muslim Brotherhood to create Islamic fascism regimes across the Islamic world.”
That’s right: the Obama Administration wants to institutionalize radical Islam throughout the Middle East — and he is starting with Egypt.
The idea that an American president – who calls himself a “Christian” — would work to prop-up a dictatorial Muslim Theocracy overseas is more than appalling. The idea that an American president – one who campaigned on “checking the budget line-by-line” – is spending billions of taxpayer dollars to do so is even worse.
We must call on Congress to end all U.S. Financial and Military Aid to Egypt! All appropriations to the United States Agency for International Development for any pro-Egypt cause must be immediately stopped.
It’s true: we have seen the failure of U.S. Foreign Aid in Egypt.
Egypt, one of the largest recipients of U.S. Aid in the Middle East is in full-blown chaos… despite the annual billions the federal government generously provides them.
The country’s recently elected President, the Muslim Brotherhood’s own Mohammed Morsi, had granted himself full dictatorial power, up until Saturday, such that some had called him a modern “Pharaoh.” He had suspended the courts, the parliament, and had himself become the rule of law.
Even now, after having “annulled” his sweeping powers, he has placed Egypt’s capital under martial law until the draft constitution is ratified.
Should Egypt adopt the constitution on December 15 – this Saturday – the country will not be in a more favorable state of affairs. In fact, for many Egyptians, the situation will get worse. Why? Because Morsi’s new Shariah-based constitution endangers Egypt’s Christian and non-Muslims populations; fails to recognize women and children’s rights; permits slavery; and is opposed to complying with international law.
Yes, the new Egyptian constitution, currently in draft form, strengthens the power of Sharia law, a very undemocratic system of governance that is opposed to individual liberty, what America was founded on. One report says:
“[T]he new draft says that the principles of Islamic law will be the basis of law. Previously, the term “principles” allowed wide leeway in interpreting Shariah. But in the draft, a separate new article is added that seeks to define “principles” by pointing to particular theological doctrines and their rules. That could give Islamists the tool for insisting on stricter implementation of rulings of Shariah.”
We must ask this question: How have U.S. Dollars helped spread democracy to Egypt, when it is evident that the nation has only seen turmoil over the past two years and has only birthed a more radical, anti-liberty Islamic governmental system?
It’s time for the United States Government to end Foreign Aid to Egypt, and reject the century-old failed Wilsonian practice of “spreading democracy around the globe.”
While our bridges and highways are falling apart; while our national borders are left insecure; while American war veterans are returning home to programs that are out of money; and while the United States’ budget remains in an abysmal state, American Foreign Aid remains untouched without even a penny’s worth of alteration.
We must demand our elected servants in Congress to end foreign aid to the Egyptian government, a pro-Islamic system of anti-liberty.
Right now, it is high time to force our elected servants to re-think our expensive foreign aid commitments – this is an extremely important issue, and a moral one.
Is it right for the American people to be anything other than outraged at the fact that we are subsidizing corruption to the tune of billions of dollars per annum? Is it right for us to recognize the irresponsible, careless – even sinister — behavior of the Obama Administration and then give our consent? Absolutely not.
Knowing that we are deep in debt is should be a signal enough for our Government to cut foreign “benevolence” to Egypt. But, as we have seen, at no single point since the 9/11/12 infiltration of the Cairo Embasssy or Mohammed Morsi’s tyrannical power-grab has anyone in the Obama Administration – or even in Congress, save a few – mentioned reducing foreign aid.
That the General Government provides road and bridge-building “stimulus plans” to hostile foreign countries is unconscionable. Let’s not forget that the government produces nothing, it only takes – and the “taking” is from our pockets, and the pockets of our fellow Americans.
These are the great and terrible facts of our Federal Government today. But there is hope. We, the American People, can assert our God-given sovereignty and demand our government to change their ways and start representing us!
Now is the time for us to press for less foreign aid, not more; it’s time to end all foreign aid to Egypt and stop the Obama Administration in their tracks! The American People must not allow the federal government to continue “subsidizing” radical Islam in Egypt!
The Fiscal Facts: Billions of Dollars to Hostility
Egypt is set to receive the enormous total of $3,113,750,000.00 this year, according to
The United States has no business spending such an exorbitant amount of money on an Islamic Egypt – we are deeply in debt and simply cannot afford it. Not only that, their system of governance is in opposition to our own!
Senator Rand Paul, a champion in calling the U.S. Government to reevaluate its reckless spending overseas, recently made a sobering statement on the Senate floor relating to threat that the “new” Egyptian government poses to Israel and the United States.
“In many ways, the Arab Spring has become the Arab Winter. In Egypt, we have a leader of Egypt from the Muslim Brotherhood. He was seen recently to recite ‘Amen,’ as a radical cleric stood up and said, ‘death to Israel and anyone who supports them.’ The Muslim brotherhood leader of Egypt that came out of the Arab spring is nodding his head in assent and seemed to be chanting amen.” – Sen. Rand Paul (emphasis added)
Now is the time to push harder than ever to end U.S. Aid to Egypt.
Will you help us and demand the United States Government to stop sending billions of taxpayer dollars to Egypt?

For America,
Conservative Action Alerts

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(Photo: REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany — Egyptian Morsi-protestors bound and detained outside of Cairo’s presidential palace. )

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