Juan Niu left her family to take a closer look at tigers at the theme park
She was pronounced dead in hospital after suffering severe injuries in attack
Park reached a settlement with victim's family and pledged to improve safety
افترس نمر سيرك طفلة عمرها 8 سنوات بعد أن سحبها داخل القفص الخاص به في أحد المتنزهات في بلدة تشونجتشينج جنوب غرب الصين.
An eight-year-old girl was mauled to death by a circus tiger after it pulled her into its enclosure at an amusement park in China.
وكانت الطفلة خوان نيو بصحبة أسرتها في زيارة لبعض أقاربهم بالبلدة عندما قرروا زيارة أحد المتنزهات المحلية بعد رؤيتهم لإعلان عن عروض السيرك بالداخل.
Juan Niu was killed after she gave her family the slip so she could get a closer look at the tigers in a circus, and was pulled into their cage and mauled.
Juan Niu was killed after she gave her family the slip so she could get a closer look at the tigers in a circus, and was pulled into their cage and mauled.
واستطاعت نيو مغافلة أهلها والتسلل لإلقاء نظرة على النمور عن قرب لتقوم بالمرور إلى داخل القفص عبر القضبان لينقض النمر عليها وسط رعب زوار الحديقة.
The youngster was visiting relatives in China's south-western Chongqing Municipality with her family when they decided to visit a local amusement park after seeing posters for their new circus attraction.
وعلى الرغم من مسارعة المدربين إلى إنقاذ الطفلة، إلا أنها لفظت أنفاسها الأخيرة بمجرد وصولها إلى المستشفى، ورغم وقوع الحادث في الأسبوع الماضي إلا أن الحديقة استطاعت التكتيم عليه إعلاميًا بعدما وعدت اسرة الطفلة بصرف تعويضات مناسبة، إلا أنه مع بدء تداول الشائعات اضطرت أخيرًا للاعتراف أن المأساة وقعت، مع الوعد بمراجعة إجراءات السلامة

Pictured, tigers performing in the circus at Leheledu Amusement Park, in Chongqing city, in China

The circus tiger mauled the little girl after she entered a closed animal training site at Lehedu Amusement Park in China. Pictured, a caged Siberian tiger from China's Heilongjiang province at Beijing zoo
Leheledu Amusement Park managers had hired a travelling circus to entertain visitors and had set up temporary holding pens for the animals.
She had easily walked up to the cage and managed to slip through the bars at which point she was pounced upon by a tiger, and mauled in front of other horrified park visitors.
Although animal trainers were quickly at the scene and rescued the child, she was barely alive when she was taken to hospital and was declared dead on arrival by medics.
The incident last week did not initially make the news after park managers offered the family compensation and promised to increase security to make sure nothing like this happened again.
However, after rumours started circulating the park was forced to admit the tragedy had happened.
Spokesman Manchu Hung said: 'Nothing terrible like this has ever happened before and we take the safety of our visitors very seriously.
'We will pay all compensation necessary to the family and will make sure it's not possible for anything similar to ever happen again.'

A park spokesman said safety measures would be improved to prevent another incident. Pictured, the circus

A Shanghai Zoo keeper was mauled to death by this rare South China tiger last year after entering its enclosure, pictured, to clean
Last month, a nine-year-old boy had his arm torn off by a bear when he had jumped past the guard rail and reached inside the cage to feed it at a zoo in China's Henan province.
In December last year, a keeper at Shanghai zoo was mauled to death by a rare tiger after he entered its enclosure to clean it.
Colleagues of the 56-year-old man said he went into the nine-year-old male south China tiger's enclosure and 'did not come out again'.
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