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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

DC Solidarity Action for Black Bloc Anarchists in Egypt, by: AADC


Washington DC Solidarity Action for Black Bloc Anarchists in Egypt. Solidarity, free association, and autonomy are three very crucial principles that help to define anarchism, whether the community in question is one neighborhood, a whole city, or the world outside. This was put into practice once again on 6 February 2013, after the Valley Anarchist Collective of Phoenix, AZ made a call for worldwide solidarity with our fellow anarchists and the black bloc in Egypt. 

Activists everywhere responded to the call, including some right here in Washington DC. In response to this call, a group of activists from Anarchist Alliance DC and several local anarchists and allies assembled in front of the fountain in Dupont Circle and made their way to the nearby residence of the Egyptian Ambassador. Although this action was organized in only one and a half days, a nice group of very committed radicals assembled, ready to walk the extra mile to show solidarity with their comrades in Egypt. 

Along the way they distributed literature and informed passers-by of the situation, and, once at the residence, pounded on the door. They loudly explained their presence at the steps of the ambassador of Egypt in DC. They held a vigil and concluded with a group photo directly in front of the Ambassador's front door and a message: "Ambassador of Egypt, tell the oppressors to respect the people of Egypt, and do not touch our anarchist friends, or we will be back!"

Washington DC Solidarity Action for Black Bloc Anarchists in Egypt
Sat, 02/09/2013 - 11:56 |  Anarchist Allia...
Solidarity, free association, and autonomy are three very crucial principles that help to define anarchism, whether the community in question is one neighborhood, a whole city, or the world outside. This was put into practice once again on 6 February 2013, after the Valley Anarchist Collective of Phoenix, AZ made a call for worldwide solidarity with our fellow anarchists and the black bloc in Egypt. Activists everywhere responded to the call, including some right here in Washington DC.

In response to this call, a group of activists from Anarchist Alliance DC and several local anarchists and allies assembled in front of the fountain in Dupont Circle and made their way to the nearby residence of the Egyptian Ambassador. Although this action was organized in only one and a half days, a nice group of very committed radicals assembled, ready to walk the extra mile to show solidarity with their comrades in Egypt.

Along the way they distributed literature and informed passers-by of the situation, and, once at the residence, pounded on the door. They loudly explained their presence at the steps of the ambassador of Egypt in DC. They held a vigil and concluded with a group photo directly in front of the Ambassador's front door and a message: "Ambassador of Egypt, tell the oppressors to respect the people of Egypt, and do not touch our anarchist friends, or we will be back!"

"This is just the beginning," said Scott.R., a member of the Alliance. "The Egyptian state continues to repress our comrades, and oppress the people of Egypt in general. With this action, we showed our comrades that they are not alone. We also showed the agents of the Egyptian state that we know where they live."

Nancy M. from the Alliance said: "We want to tell the people and the establishment that anarchists are everywhere, and that our friends in Egypt have allies in DC standing with them. We'll continue sharing/educating others about anarchy, equality, freedom, and autonomy for all, because an idea can not be killed!"

AADC, E-mail address:

What is happening to anarchists in Egypt?
Here we share a few fragments of other articles and their links
"Speaking of declarations of war, the Islamist party of the Jihad Organization and Jama'a al-Islamiya have called for crucifying anarchists and/or cutting off anarchists' hands and feet."
Unified Hate for the Government
"The Black Bloc is everywhere where injustice is committed against a people," Gika says.
No one knows how many members the Black Bloc has in Cairo and other cities, Gika says. He says he saw about 300 masked men on Tahrir Square, and that more and more Egyptians are putting black masks over their heads to show their unified hate for the government and the Islamists. Gika's own group, which he says has no hierarchy and no one person calling the shots, primarily coordinates its actions using text messages and Facebook.
'Bringing down tyrants'
The Black Bloc, a new Egyptian anarchist group, made its first appearance last week, on the eve of the second anniversary of the 25 January 2011 revolution. With a declared aim of fighting the Muslim Brotherhood, it has drawn a lot of mainstream criticism.
The Black Bloc describes itself as a group that is "striving to liberate people, end corruption and bring down tyrants.

1)Residence of the Ambassador of Egypt - Photo by: JOHN ZANGAS - DC Media Group
2)Resindence of the Ambassador of Egypt-Photo by: CORY V. CLARK (Visit, Cory V. C. link)!/ThePeoplePowerProject?fr...
3)Residence of the Ambassador of Egypt - Photo by: JOHN ZANGAS - DC Media Group

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