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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Who Said Little Things Aren’t Good? These Little Things Are Awesome

Bonsai trees rock the plant world… When people think of Bonsai trees, they usually think of the standard Juniper, the thing is, there are many, many, different types of Bonsai trees.

40 Year Old Coast Redwood

Bonsai actually means “tray planting,” in combination with the small pots, pruning and some other special techniques, these bonsai’s are kept looking like miniature versions of full size mature trees.

A 30 Year Old Azalea

Over 40 Year Old Chinese Banyan

Bonsai trees and the art of Bonsai has been around for a very long time, centuries in fact. Normally you would think that Bonsai comes from Japan but it actually derived from the very similar art of Penjing which was practiced by Chinese nobles.

A 30 Year Old Hibiscus

This Type Of Bonsai Is Designed To Mimic A Forest

The art of Bonsai has since found it’s way around the globe. In each part of the world, the people that practice Bonsai have their own unique variations of this wonderful art form.

Another Stunning Azalea

This Lilac Will Smell As Awesome As It Looks While

 A Cascade Style Of Bonsai

Creating the style and shape you want is actually very easy, all you need to do to achieve what you want is use very thin metal wires to bend and guide your Bonsai in the directions you want as it grows.

Root Over Rock Is The Name Of This Bonsai Style

 A Japanese Maple That Is More Or Less 100 Years Old

Bonsai trees, even though they are small, should be exposed to all the seasons just like their much larger counterparts. It’s important for a Bonsai to go through the seasons like any normal tree would.

A 60 Year Old Crabapple Tree

A Pretty 25 Year Old Cherry Tree

You can make a Bonsai tree from almost any normal tree, they aren’t some special dwarf or hybrid version of their bigger brothers, no no, they are just normal trees.

Trident Maple With Exposed Roots

Over 50 Year Old Atlas Ceder

A Cherry Blossom Tree In Full Bloom

When and if you decide to grow a Bonsai Tree, you should keep in mind that some species of tree fair better when constraining their growth.

A Bald Cypress

Wisteria Bonsai

One of the oldest Bonsai trees is this one right here, this Japanese Pine has been around now since 1625. Would you believe it if I said it also survived the Hiroshima bombing?!

Some Bonsai trees can be hundreds of years old, they aren’t always super small either, obviously like any tree, the older it gets the bigger it gets, some Bonsai can be over 6 feet tall!


Sculpturing A Bonsai Around Drift Wood Looks Great

Below is the same Bonsai tree as above, the only difference is that the one below isn’t yet pruned, it just goes to show how much work goes into these Bonsai’s to keep them looking like perfect little trees.

Bonsai During The Winter Seasons

Bonsai in the winter months have no leaves, just like their counterparts. Even during the winter the Bonsai still looks interesting, you can really see how it has been pruned to obtain its shape.

Bonsai During Fall

This One Is A Multi-Trunk Styled Japanese Maple

Another Azalea, These Ones Are So Beautiful

The world of Bonsai is much bigger than you might think, Cities like to host Bonsai shows, there are loads of exhibitions and competitions too. I might just start out and see how I do with a Bonsai tree of my own.

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